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Qhenta (pronounced Ken-ta) is the god of Decay, Disease, and Famine. Worship of Qhenta is highly discouraged, as many associate it with undead and other unnatural phenomena. Qhenta has a competitive relationship with Ezlore. If a spirit's body is turned undead, its spirit cannot pass on. It is doomed to wander the land evermore, unless a highly skilled cleric is able to destroy the undead body. Killing the undead normally is not enough to free the spirit. Qhenta has adopted a smilar guise that that of Ezlore in an effort to mock him. He wears a long tattered cloak with the hood up. From undernead the hood one can just barely make out a skeletal head and glowing red eyes.

Divine Domains

Clerics of Qhenta belong to the death or grave domains.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Qhenta does not have any one symbol readily associated with him and his followers. The close to on would be the image of a bloated rotting corpse.
Glowing red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 0"
185 lbs


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