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Kappa   Kappa are the green-skinned small turtle like creatures that dwell within both water and land. Kappas are usually looked down upon by humans but many do not discriminate as they provide trade. Kappas usually are from Froggy Island and worship the Frog God. Kappas usually keep to themselves and don't interfere with world problems, only if they are hired too or benefit from it. Kappa culture is one made of a simple life living off the land and having fun. Kappa don't crave many things besides whatever seems to be a fun time.   Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 2, your Charisma or Wisdom score increases by 1.   Age: Kappa become adults around the age of 25 and live to be nearly 200 years old.   Alignment: The majority of Kappas are usually of some form of chaotic or evil alignment as the stories of evil Kappas are more common. However, there are good aligned Kappa who form relationships with other river-side villages.   Size: You are a small creature.   Speed: You have a base walking speed of 30ft and a swim speed of 30ft.   Amphibious: Kappas can breathe air and water.   Bowl of Life: You have a bowl in your head that contains life giving water. As an action, you can pour water onto a creature, healing the creature for 1d8 hit points. The water loses its healing properties mere seconds after spilling from your head, so a creature cannot bottle your water for later use. You may do this once per long rest.   Challenging Fortitude: When making grapple checks, shove checks, or determining your carry weight, you are considered a large creature.   Languages: You can speak Common and Aquan

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