(NPC) Forticus Character in Farrah | World Anvil
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(NPC) Forticus

Forticus (48 BQ - ) is a gnome warrior, scholar, and last surviving member of The Companions. Forticus lived and fought in the Dragon Wars alongside Aeneas the Dragonslayer. Over the years Forticus came to admire the Dragons and crave the power they wielded.   In 0BQ, at First Battle of Quarinth Forticus accompanied Aeneas to the summit where the Dragonslayer began the great spell to kill Unos. Forticus intervened when the Dragonslayer was about to finish the spell and cut his throat. The spell was far gone, and the Dragons were all put into a deep slumber. Realising that the Dragons were defeated, Forticus hid his treachery. He told Jane Fonley, the last other surviving Companion, that dragons had killed Aeneas. Fonley was suspicious of Forticus but could not fathom that he would kill his oldest friend.   When the Dragons fell asleep Forticus continued his deception, pretending to remain loyal to the anti-dragon coalition. Due to a wave of anti-gnome sentiment following the battle many history books overlook Forticus and raise up Jane Fonley as the last survivor of The Companions. He retired into obscurity and was eventually forgotten. In 174 AQ he encountered the Will Hunters and helped them locate the Crystal of Will. Unbeknown to the Will Hunters, removing the crystal from its cradle would break the spell keep Unos, and consequently all other dragons, asleep.   When King Tyche was victorious at the Second Battle of Mt Quarinth Forticus believed all the dragons to be slain. he vanished from Farrah and travelled into the deep north. it is unknown where he is and whether he still lives.     In 528 Forticus stole a time travel scroll from Galathrax and travelled back to 167 AQ, seeking redemption for his past failures. He was pursued by the Queen's Blade and ultimately cast back to the future, his mission incomplete.     Campaigns appeared in:
  • The Dragons of Farrah
  • Chase through Time


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