(NPC) Unos, Dragon God Character in Farrah | World Anvil
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(NPC) Unos, Dragon God

Unos was born with the first Dragons in the primordial beginnings of the world. He is the living aspect of all Dragons, connected to them all. Unos' purpose is the preservation and protection of his kind. Unos would remain neutral in conflicts between Dragons, but when the species was threatened he would take action. In ancient times the Dragons did war with a powerful enemy known as the Vetala. Seeking aid in this battle, Unos taught magic to a younger species, the Elves.   Unos taught an Elf named Valnar, and through Valnar the use of magic spread across the world. An alliance of Elves and Dragons devised a ritual to trap and bind the Vetala forever. They determined the island of Thral-Krus (now known as Chixculub), which lay on an intersection of three leylines, to be the best place to perform the ritual.   While the alliance took control of Thral-Krus from its current occupier, Escus, Unos battled the Vetala. Unos was able to distract the Vetala long enough for the spell to be completed and the great enemy bound forever. Following this, the Elves and Dragons, no longer having a common enemy, fell to infighting over power and territory. Valnar betrayed Unos and sought Elvish dominance over the world.   In 5000 BQ saddened at this betrayal and tired of war, Unos burrowed under Mt Quarinth and fell asleep. Along him all of dragon kind also slept. For many years dragons were not seen in the world, and gradually they became distant memory, then ancient legend.   As lesser races spread across the surface and battled for dominance, Unos slept. In his sleep he dreamt of death and betrayal. Unos foresaw the destruction of the draconic species by these lesser peoples. in 24 BQ Unos awoke and directed all Dragons to rise and reclaim their dominance of the world, protect their species and wipe out the lesser creatures. Thus began the Dragon Wars, which lasted until the first battle of Mt Quarinth, where Aeneas used the Crystal of Will to return the Dragons to sleep.   This spell lasted until 174 AQ when Unos and the dragons began again to stir. King Tyche then used the Crystal of Will to slay Unos. Through his link nearly all other Dragons were killed.
Circumstances of Death
Killed by King Tyche at the Second Battle of Mt Quarinth


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