Naïló Downtime - Session 1

As the sun sets, Naïló finds their way to a simple clearing. They kneel and begin to rummage through their belongings. Soon, they place a small saucer made of bone, simply ornamented with inked ash carvings on the outer ridge. Naïló then positions five incense sticks in the ground, forming a pattern around the saucer, leaving a space between them. Next, they inspect a small placeholder with care before positioning their staff. They pause for a moment before lighting each incense stick, whispering something in an unusual language. A small dead cricket is placed in the saucer. They begin what appears to be a silent prayer. After a heartfelt moment, they react, reaching through the smoke, grasping their weapon, and beginning a fast, violent kata. As they move, the smoke draws toward them, swirling and drifting into their shadow. An illusion begins; the shadow seems to drag and push like oil or dark paint in the wake of their strikes. It lasts only moments—it could have been a trick of the eye.   Now with calm confidence, they bow to the small display they created, presenting in hand the staff, as if thanking someone who is not there. Naïló packs up smoothly, as if having done it a million times. However, those looking closely might almost see, or swear, that their shadow moves with intention, assisting them. But with a blink, it must have been the evening light... it must have been...


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