Po's Journal - Page 1

As Po gets back to camp he flops down next to the fire with a wiggle, and pulls out the large brown bag he took from the cart. He slowly begins to take things out and quickly realizes these are definitely his. The armor is bear shaped, the tools are larger and fit in his paws. With a bit of a huff he lays out his bed roll for the night, then neatly organizes everything back into his pack. He stops when he comes to his pocket watch. He turns the small silver circle over in his paw. The craftsmanship is stunning. The inner gears, made of emeralds, are visible through the intricately carved clock face. The outer shell is covered in elegant filigree that seems to slightly glow like moonlight. On the inner wall in an elaborate script is “WF”. Po runs his claw over the initials desperately wondering what they mean, and staring into his reflection on the shining timepiece. After a long moment, he suddenly shakes his head, and tucks the pocket watch into his armor, close to his chest. He then pulls out a small a notebook from his pack, lies down on his bed roll, and begins to write:  
I am unsure where I have landed. I have no memory of how I ended up in the market, or why I am in the form that I am. The items I found with my captors seem to indicate that I have been a bear for quite some time, long enough for me to have specialized tools and armor made for my size. I have been labeled Po, and find this acceptable. The only clothing I have is marked with this name so it makes the most sense. I have avoided being sold as a common animal, and appear to have made some friends. Friends will be important if I am to understand what has happened, and avoid being treated like an animal.   Aria the bald seems to be the most level headed, pun intended. She is self assured, and I feel most confident when she is leading the way. Findabhair is all business, and seems to be very concerned with contractual obligations. Bravery, honor, and duty all seem important for now.... Boarm is both confusing, and familiar. I feel the most kin to him, yet do not understand some of the cultural mannerisms he displays. Today I saw him make friends with a goblin by half drowning the poor thing…strangely it worked… Nailo is an enigma that I will need to study more. I have only heard him speak twice, and both times to ask poignant questions I was not ready to answer. The rest of the group seems keen to change the subject, but I will need to prepare what I’m going to tell them. For the time being, to avoid slavery, or worse, I will need to stay close to people who see me not as a bear but as a person. Fortunately these people seem reasonable, and kind. I hope I remember something soon…
— Po - Translated from Bearish
After a few moments of hasty scribbling Po shuts the notebook, tucks it into his armor next to the pocket watch. He then rolls over on his side facing the fire and, after a few moments, starts to snore.


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