Session 12: Whisperstone Hollow

General Summary

The depths of Whisperstone Hollow echoed with the clangs of battle as the party engaged a relentless swarm of Arcane Kryssaliths. Amidst the chaos, Boarm's resilience was tested as he teetered on the brink of death, narrowly escaping the lethal magic of their foes. In the aftermath, as the dust settled and the echoes of their skirmishes faded, Kibble took to the task of salvaging what remained. Utilizing his culinary skills, he prepared a hearty meal from the creatures they had vanquished, providing much-needed sustenance and a moment of camaraderie in the shadowy depths of the mine.   Their exploration continued, revealing more treasures within the rugged walls of the mine. Kibble and Boarm discovered crystals embedded deeply in the rock. Attempts to extract these shimmering gems proved futile; Boarm's forceful swing with his warhammer only shattered them into sparkling dust. Further investigation led them to a damaged elevator shaft. Thanks to Walter's ingenuity and mechanical prowess, they managed to repair the elevator, descending further into the chilling screeches and unknown dangers below.   Upon reaching the bottom of the shaft, the grim sight of three fallen adventurers greeted them. The party quickly scavenged valuable Gilded Mastercraft weapons and assorted gear from the corpses, arming themselves for the challenges ahead. The lower chamber was a sight to behold, adorned with crystals that were more abundant and vibrant than above. One massive cluster of glowing crystals dominated the cavern, casting eerie lights across their path.   The silence of the cave was soon shattered by the appearance of a lone Arcane Kryssalith. The party's response was swift and explosive, employing Clockwork Bee devices to subdue the creature. However, their victory was short-lived. The noise awakened a formidable Six-Headed Arcane Kryssalith, a guardian of the depths, enraged and protective of its domain.

Rewards Granted

All: +475 exp each (should be at 2727)
Kibble: +7 pounds of Kryssalith meat, +30 Pristine Kryssalith scales, +1 Infused Kryssalith claw
Boarm: Skybreaker, +1 Pile of Gem Shards/Dust
Vaas: Umbral Lash
(Unsorted, presumably Walter is carrying): +2 Potion of Healing, Everburning Torch, 100ft. Silk Rope, Arcane Focus (Crystal), +17 Food Pellets, +3 Water Skin (1 gallon), Scroll of Darkness, Journal and Quill, +1 Potion of Greater Healing, Unidentified Magic Ring, 50ft. Hemp Rope, Flint and Steel, Sharpening Stone, +2 Potion of Healing, Holy Symbol, Scroll of Cure Wounds, +3 Pathfinder's Badges




Rare Requires Attunement

Gilded Mastercraft, Magical, Martial weapon, melee weapon, versatile   Gilded Mastercraft. This weapon is crafted a Lotus Master of the Gilded Lotus, and has Lotus Mark on the handle with 1 gem socket.   Spring Mechanism. You can use a bonus action to make a high leap, jumping up to 20 feet vertically or 30 feet horizontally without provoking opportunity attacks. Upon landing, you can make an attack with Skybreaker that deals an additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage. You can do this as many times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

Skybreaker is a masterfully crafted war hammer with a sturdy handle and a head that gleams with a faint, metallic blue sheen. The handle contains an intricate spring mechanism that can be activated to launch the wielder into the air with a powerful leap. The head of the hammer is adorned with runes that symbolize strength and agility.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d8+1 / versatile (1d10+1) Bludgeoning 5 ft.

Weight: 5lb


Umbral Lash


Rare Requires Attunement

Gilded Mastercraft, Magical, Martial weapon, melee weapon, finesse, reach   Gilded Mastercraft. This weapon is crafted a Lotus Master of the Gilded Lotus, and has Lotus Mark on the handle with 1 gem socket.   Finesse. When making an attack with a finesse weapon, you use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the attack and damage rolls. You must use the same modifier for both rolls.   Reach. This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you attack with it. This property also determines your reach for opportunity attacks with a reach weapon.   Necrotic Touch. Deals an additional 1d4 necrotic damage on a hit.   Shadow's Reach. Once per short rest, you can use an action to extend Umbral Lash's reach to 30 feet for one attack.

The Umbral Lash has an elegant yet sinister appearance. The handle is wrapped in finely braided dark leather, almost resembling the texture of snake skin. The leather is interwoven with silver strands, creating a captivating contrast. Small onyx gems are embedded along the length of the handle, their dark surfaces absorbing light and adding to the whip’s ominous aura.

The lash itself is an extension of the handle's dark, shadow magic. It appears almost obsidian-like, with a sleek, polished surface that occasionally flickers with shadowy tendrils. These tendrils seem to move of their own accord, hinting at the whip's magical properties.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d4+1 slashing + 1d4 necrotic Slashing 10 ft

Weight: 3lb

Report Date
15 Jul 2024
Primary Location


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