The Umsitu tribes Ethnicity in Farsight High School | World Anvil

The Umsitu tribes

When scouts of the reclamation efforts first discovered this handful of peaceful tribes in the jungle, they did not drive them away as they would with the more aggressive soot elves. Instead, the government opted for a more diplomatic approach. Missionaries of the gods and representatives of several factions approached the tribes with gifts. They mainly conversed in Sylvan, but soon magic and teaching allowed the Common language to be used as well.

The tribes of Umsitu (which translates simply as 'wood' from Sylvan, but was mistaken as the given name of their territory), were quite open and tolerant, allowing trade of goods, culture, and knowledge with the Concordians. Although some wished to fully assimilate the Umsitu into society, viewing them as primitive and possibly barbaric, others helped fight to preserve their rights and their homeland. After a tumultuous history of a failed crusade, the War of Flames, and several other attempts to overtake their forest, there are now still a handful of traditional tribes residing in the Umsitu forest.

The proximity of the Blackflame Gulch to their woodland has altered their culture in few meaningful ways. They have always made a living for themselves with great reverence for their natural surroundings. In return, the fey jungle had also imbued them with powers: elves (already in tune with fey magic) had become eladrin, and other sentients (humans, halflings, dwarves and the like) had become shifters. They bore animalistic traits such as fur, claws, and heightened senses, and were able to alter their physicalities even further if need be.

Throughout everything, they have upheld a deep and intricate society with traditions originating even before the Fey Fall. They have a lifestyle centered around harmony, balance, preservation, and joy in living. Many shifters have since then left these tribes and integrated themselves in Concordian communities, but they generally uphold these same themes in their life.