Elbor Redhearth

Elbor Redhearth

A human geologist from a northern city not far from Bern, is a man seeking retribution on the people who destroyed his livelihood. His once quaint hometown, a mining-focused settlement, now burned to the ground by forces unknown to him. After realizing he was one of the few survivors left in his town, he did the one thing he knew best - digging holes. All of his life, he was delicately digging holes, mining out precious minerals and trading with the mason’s guild he was a part of. And now that his livelihood has been destroyed, he simply dug. And dug. And dug. Up to the day he may have dug too deep. He unearthed an ancient gem containing the soul of a pit fiend under Mephistopheles himself, whose name was given as Mägnis. Upon touching the gem, Elbor found himself possessed by this fiend who offered some of his power to help avenge Elbor's now razed hometown. The only demand from the fiend is that Elbor find a different gem, Dragon’s Fire, which will allow the fiend to accomplish the same goals as Elbor - retribution for his ruined livelihood. Now with the powers of a pit fiend under his hood, with a hint from a Mr. X, he has discovered the last known source of Dragon’s Fire - Shanksville. And with hopes of avenging his friends and beginning a new livelihood, he follows the demand of the fiend and moves toward Shanksville.   Hometown: Nordem   Guild Name: Lapika & Co.   Business Name: Deepstone and Fire - Stones, Gems, and Minerals

Under a contract with a devil, Elbor, a warlock, is to tasked with searching the north for a mysterious devil named Veabor.

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Skin Tone/Pigmentation
210 lb.