
Airships were once the pinnacle of Technology and transportation in Fartharia.
Created using The wood of Floatwood trees in Aiirnota and an air or fire elemental.
The wood is primarily used for the hull of the ship while the elemental is suspended on 4 struts.
The elemental is what propels the ship in any direction and is magically connected to the helm.
Due to the struts holding the elemental, the ship cannot land but hover over 10 feet off the ground. Instead, if players must land away from a designated port, then they must use rope and rope ladders to get off, explore, re-board and bring cargo aboard.
Controlling an Airship:
To pilot the ship someone needs to be at the wheel at all times.
To turn side to side, simply turn the wheel.
To ascend, pull back on the wheel.
To descend, push forward on the wheel.
To move forward, pull control lever, to the left of the wheel, forward.
To reverse the ship, pull the same lever back.
The further forward or back the lever is, the faster the ship will move.


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