Session 10

General Summary

The Party deciedes the next place they should go is Heinreich VIA sailing to Dustavarus and traveling through the desert. Carl would like to look for some books in the library, hoping to find out more of his past. It will take the elder librarian some time to find these books and so The Party desides to do some shopping and visit Wembly in the mean time.   They happen upon a shop across the street from The Harmonic Spire called Martin's Masterful Magics. They are greeted buy a flamboint male dressed head to toe in various colors and wearing a multicolored cloak. This is Martin himself. The Party purhases some healing potions and discover that Martin also has pets in his inventory. Carl and Siofra purchase Ferrets from the same litter, Xavier purchases a Golden Great Dane and Nariyah purchases a ..., After spending their mony They decide to pay a visit to Wembly.   At Wemby's shop they discover that the panels on a warforged's body can be opened and, on this warforged, when the chest is opened they find just an empty cavity. Carl bravely volunteers to have his chest opened. Wembly is able to successfully open Carl's chest and they discover a yellow light inside the cavity. Carl decides to try and touch the light and, upon reaching his finger inside, he begins to hear a voice yell "Back Vatra" as a roar is also heard, suddenly the sounds of battle can be heard around them. Metallic clanging, Plops of feet in mud, fire erupting, voices yelling. The rest of the party does the same and hears the same.   They deside to go back to the Sanctum to collect the books and say their goodbyes to the Sunguards. Carl is given 6 books to borrow and Xavier introduces his dog, Theodore, to Alexander and Anastasia.   Finally The Party, with the guidance of a local guard, heads to the harbor where the guard points out a Lizardfolk as the Captain of the ship they will take to Dustavarus.   The Lizardfolk is in conversation with a female Centaur who seems to be the harbormaster. Siofra is mesmorized by the creature in front of her.   Captain Xazik then introduces himself and offers the party passage on his ship, for a price of coarse. The Party takes the cheeper option and become temporary members of the crew.   While loading the ship Devlin pays a surprise, secret visit to Nariyah and warns her about Dustavarus and to stay as a group as best they can.   After disappearing like Batman The Party sets sail for Dustavarus.   Along their Voyage Carl, from the crows nest, watches a Dragon Turtle Feast on a whale.   On day 2 Siofra is working on getting some water for the crew in the bottom of the ship when out of the corner of her eye she notices a quick shadow dart accross one of the cannon windows.\she makes it up to the 2 floor and begins to see more shadows dart past more windows, finally she reaches the deck and climbs the stairs leading up to the Wheel yelling for the captain.\As she yells everybody looks in her direction but Carl, looking down from the crows nest, sees green scaly figures clinging to the sides of the ship,   as a scaly, leather, webbed, clawed hand reaches the rail of the deck...   Thus Ends Session 10...
Report Date
24 Nov 2022


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