Session 16 Report in Fartharia | World Anvil

Session 16

General Summary

After a lengthy amount of time, the brawl is stopped via the Barkeep kicking out all the guards. Daniel and Talia have a cheery reunion. Talia is actually Daniel's second-in-command. The Party informs Daniel of the events and show him the manifest they found at the camp. Daniel's face lights up with an idea.   Instead of attacking the main barracks, why not Ambush a caravan going from Dhara to Pasuri Veil where The Lord Ruler is hold up?   Every so often a caravan will travel from the Harbor at Dhara, to Pasuri Veil carrying all manner of thing but most of it is usually for The Lord Ruler's "Collection". They could never figure out their schedule until now.   They decide to Ambush the caravan in an area outside of Dhara by somehow knocking down the natural rock pillars that cover the desert giving them a chance at a surprise attack. Then they will replace the guards with themselves and make their way to Pasuri Veil and hopefully infiltrate the city undetected   After much planning they figure out that they have 7 days until the next caravan comes through. They use 4 days to prepare charges and explore Dhara.   Thus Ends Session 16...
Report Date
28 Dec 2022


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