Session 17

General Summary

3 days to go until the caravan comes through. The Party The Party decides to scope out the area the next day. They go to their bunks. Carl receives another vision. This one he finds himself in an ornate, towering chamber and above him are figures shrouded in darkness. "Do you accept the task laid before you?" A voice bellows. "I accept!" He says back. Suddenly a bright light appears infront of him, he instinctually reaches in and pulls out the hilt of a sword that shares a striking resemblance to Solgalael. He awakes.   With everyone still asleep, Carl attempts to find Solgalael but wakes up Xavier and Siofra.   He asks Xavier to hand him Solgalael and explains to him the vision he had.   Xavier hands him Solgalael and nothing happens. Xavier takes back Solgalael and feels the familiar presence in the back of his head. They theorize that maybe it has something to do with Carl's body not being natural and Xavier gets to work questioning Solgalael.   After some successful checks on the part of Xavier and Carl's players and Solgalael aswell, they discover that Solgalael's first owner was a man by the name of Charles Anthony Ramsey Larson, or Carl for short, who later was named Carl Sunguard, The first Sunguard.   Carl Sunguard was the person who rallied together Fartharia under the name The Alliance of the Mighty and fought back The Draconic Discourse. 700 years ago. Solgalael does not know Carl's fate but Xavier does knowing his family history.   Carl died while dealing the final blow to Vatra, the Leader of The Draconic Discourse.   Carl postumastly was named Carl Sunguard in honor of him Guarding the world in Solael's name.   After this Revelation The Party discovers via Daniel that there is an old passageway that travels under Dhara and out to where a good Ambush spot would be. However they have not used that path in some time due to Monsters lurking inside.   The Party takes the risk and, with Talia joining The Party, embark through the passage.   They arrive at the end and exit finding themselves in the desert a ways down the road from Dhara.   They place some charges Carl made and test them.... SUCCESS! They are able to collapse a pillar and decide to pre place charges for the Ambush.   On their way back through the passage they run into a Bone Naga and can hear another just to the right of them in a a massive hole in the wall.   Thus Ends Session 17...
Report Date
28 Dec 2022


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