Session 20 Report in Fartharia | World Anvil

Session 20

General Summary

The Caravan begins to make it's trek across the desert Carl is sharing a wagon with the Hadozee and they begin to form a sort of rivalry. Not a lot happens, they find a flock of flying snakes and they see a giant serpent flying through the sky but doesn't seem to be paying them any attention.   They arrive at Yashi and find little to no resistance inside   Siofra and Xavier make their way to the local shop to stock up brfore the next leg of the journey and Siofra almost blows their cover by ousting that Xavier is a Sunguard.   They are successful in decieving the shop owner and sleep for the rest of the night.   Dawn of the next day arrives and The Party departs for Pasuri Veil.   Thus Ends Session 20...
Report Date
28 Dec 2022


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