Session 23

General Summary

After exiting the Treasury, The Party finds a cage with a Oozy humanoid named Glantilax Akdelak. They free him and he becomes the newest member of The Defenders of Fartharia. As they finish freeing the rest of the friendly humanoids they get them on the platform and are about to rise back up when they hear the familiar sound of a fiery portal opening up.   The platform lowers back down and the party investigates.   In the light of the portal they see 2 heavily Armored humanoids. One more masculine wielding a hammer, the other more feminine wielding a spear. The 2 figures start to call out for Glander (The Lord Ruler)   After stealthing around Carl and Siofra take one target each take a shot. Before the shots can meet their mark though the two figures snap their fingers and disappear. At which point the Party makes a break for the platform.   The 2 figures emerge from the portal again this time riding Lovecraftian mounts.   They see the platform Rising and fly towards it. The Party readies for a fight but the 2 figures just stop short of the platform and the female begins to taunt The Party.   She introduces herself as Narkissa and her brother as Nizhalgal. The Archons of Death and Destruction. Specifically The Party's.   They indicate however that their "father" has told them not to Kill The Party...yet... all this time Carl is taking shots at Narkissa who just brushes them off.   Narkissa and Nizhalgal fly off in search of their prize As the platform finally reaches the top. Everybody in the Dining hall begins to hear rumbling, crashing and roaring followed by deafening silence.   The next day Daniel informs The Party that he sent a few members of The Resistance down to check things out and they found a huge cage that had been opened. Inside the cage was a lot of abrasions and scratch marks to the cage.   Glan recognizes what the creature may have been based off the description that Daniel gave of the cage. He informs The Party that it may have been a legend from where he is from... the fabled "Ironscale Hydra"   Because of their help in freeing Dustavarus, Daniel offers The Party a horse each and the promise of the aid of Dustavarus in the coming defense against Vortigarr. Additionally he offers to have Wembly brought to Dustavarus to look at the Airship wreckage and to have the Warforged brought to Pasuri Veil aswell. The Party then decides to head off to their original destination. Bodengard and then Koartkulle in Heinriech.   Thus ends Session 23...
Report Date
28 Dec 2022


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