Session 24 Report in Fartharia | World Anvil

Session 24

General Summary

After 5 days of journeying across the desert of Dustavarus the Guardians decide to take a long rest about 6 hours out from Bodengard as there seems to be an ominous mist beginning to surround The Guardians. While searching for somewhere safe to rest they discover a monument that had marble flooring and three Claw- like pillars that spouted from the ground with all three points meeting at the top. Along the underside there are runes that read out "Here lies Godrick, Member of The Alliance, Hero of Heinreich." Carl discovers a center, rectangular piece of marble and decides to try and lift it, as him and Xavier do this air comes rushing into the the hole and there lies a Duergar who carl recognizes as Godrick, he then pays his respects and retrieves his Weapon, a wand named Krigmagi. Carl then attempts to reseal the tomb and The Guardians take their rest.   They wake up the next morning and discover that The Mist is back and they begin their final 6 hour leg of their journey to Bodengard.   When they arrive they find that the mist is incredibly thick and the Gates doors are shut. They open them to find that the town is pretty much abandoned and what's left is webbing that crosses from building and of coarse The Mist.   The Guardians find the local tavern, The Crossroads of Twilight, and bring themselves and their horses inside. they find a minotaur inside who seems petrified hiding in the back room saying over and over, "They come in the mist, they come in the mist." That's when Xavier catches a glimpse of of what seems to be a giant spider climb past a window and The guardians discover through coaxing the info out of the Minotaur that the mist seems to only last a little bit before it goes away but then it returns in no time at all.   The Guardians then discover that 2 of their companions, Talia and Langnok, are now MIA with the last time they saw them was just before entering the tavern.   Xavier and Carl decide to go to the roof via an upstairs window that leads out onto it. they get onto the roof and as Xavier ignites Solgalael, a monstrous figure lunges at him as the Mist retreats from the light.   Thus end Session 24...
Report Date
28 Dec 2022


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