Session 29

General Summary

The Guardians find Anastasia Sunguard slumped over a table with a bottle of alcohol in her hand. Xavier picks her up and takes her to her room. He then calls out for Alexander and Derik who do not respond. Where could they be? Xavier and Carl test out the deck of cards that Carl found back in Heinriech. They discover that it is a Deck of Illusions after Carl and Siofra fall for the illusions. Siofra then informs the party that she found an open trap door.   Upon their return to the Kitchen, The Guardians go down the trap door and discover a wine cellar That Xavier never knew about. Along one of the wine racks Xavier discovers a bottle that is slightly more foreword than the others, he pushes it in causing a door to pop ajar. They open the door and begin to walk down the newly-discovered hallway.   They are met with a series of explosive traps and a rolling boulder ripped straight out of Indiana Jones. They finally arrive at a double door which they enter to find a room that can only be described as a lab. They find Vitruvian man-style drawings of familiar races such as Changelings and Genasi, but also unfamiliar races with names like Para-Genasi, Shadar-Kai, Simic Hybrids and more.   An invisible Xavier finds another invisible figure wearing the same mask as the Children of Vortigarr. The figure snaps it's fingers and disappears only to reappear from a framed portal in the room riding a feral Toothless-like mount. He reveals himself to be The Sunguards former betrayer butler, Malton. A battle is fought during which Talia tracks the Guardians down joining the fight and near the end Malton is revealed to be a Shadar-Kai and almost escapes back through the portal however Xavier is successful in slaying Malton and immediately runs through the portal along with the rest of the Guardians in tow.   They arrive in a mirror version of the room they were just in however it is devoid of all the trappings that made it a lab. the portal shuts off behind them. They barricade the two sets of doors leading out and take a long rest. When they awake they need to hide from a patrol of guards breaking in with another Child of Vortigarr, this one being huge with two giant weapons, one in each hand.   After the Guardians trick the guards into leaving, they find cloaks similar to what the guards were wearing and make their way outside. they discover a world shrouded in shades of purple with a haziness rising from the ground, rails breakthrough buildings as if nothing could stop them with levitating, deactivated Warforged moving along them hither and yon.   They see cloaked figures moving around going about their business but can't get a good look at their faces. Then, they look up...   They are met with sight of a sky filled with orbs, rotating and orbiting but the closest blue orb has a continent that they recognize as Fartharia. Glen immediately knows what's going on as Fartharia rotates to reveal another continent on the same orb that nobody knew about except for Glen.   The Guardians have just discovered that Fartharia is not in fact flat, there is another continent on the other side of the world and there are other planets in their solar system one of which they are currently on. But will this even matter if they are trapped behind enemy lines? and who would believe them if they do manage to escape?   Thus Ends Session 29...
Report Date
26 May 2023


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