Session 32 Report in Fartharia | World Anvil

Session 32

General Summary

After meeting the welcoming comittee that was the Captain of the guards, The Guardians explore Piandel. They notice that they are being followed by members of the Thieves Guild and go into the tavern, The Way of Kings, and chat up the Fairy waitress. They see their tails come in and as the fairy to give them coffees on them. When they get their coffee's they run out of the tavern. Carl gives chase along the roof tops and discover Onyx has followed him. He jumps down and attempts to ask them a couple of questions, when they make a break for it one of them gets away while he traps one several times with the immovable rod before he is forced to kill him.   Onyx surprises Carl by coming back with the other guy in her mouth. He shoes her away and makes a run for it as Onyx swallows the man and leads 30 guards away.   Carl meets back up with the Guardians back at the Way of Kings and Wembly makes contact informing the Guardians that Onyx arrived back at the airship and spat up her captive, they have already started to interrogate him. They head back to the Airship.   When they arrive they are met with the Captain of the Guards who informs the Guardians that he was able to get the an audience with The High Seat for the next day in the morning. He leaves but not before stationing 2 guards outside the airship.   The Guardians find Wembly and Gareth who confess that they accidentally killed their prisoner in their interrogation attempts, They were a bit too enthusiastic.   The Guardians get the idea to use Alome's spell Speak with Dead in combination with Zone of Truth.   They find out that the Thieves Guild works for the High Seat, Their leader is a man named Gildar, (Insert other answered questions here)   They all then work together to discard the body in a vat of acid and cclean the room.   They go for a Long Rest   Thus Ends Session 32...
Report Date
26 May 2023


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