Session 38

General Summary

The Guardians awake as The newly appointed High Seat arrives on the deck of their airship, he awards them their money and leaves. The Guardians decide to go to Nastwaylan for their next destination. Wembly warns about the Fading Skin disease and about her family, she recommends that they go to the village of Trizol in Nastwaylan. They fly off above the Cloud layer. Carl assumes position in the crows nest. About 3 hrs later they find themselves flying abouve storm clouds. Captain Xazik warns the Guardians to batten down the hatches as he is diving below the storm clouds. Carl stays in the crows nest. The Airship dive bombs through the clouds and lightning begins to strike the ship. Carl is hit once with the lightning. The airship breaks the layer and Xazik pulls up to level out just narrowly missing the ocean however the ship was flying to fast to slow down effectively and crashes through the trees of the swamp and knocks Carly out of the crows nest causing to hit the ground and die. When the ship comes to a stop the Guardians rush out to save Carl and Alome successfully saves Carl. Xazik appologizes profusely. The Guardians and Wembly then start treking through the woods to the nearby village of Trinzol. They encounter some monster but arrive successfully. They are stopp by some guards and after convicing them to let them through, they go to a medical tent and see how much this disease has effected people. a grung from accross the room runs over and hugs Wembly and she introduces this grung as her sister, Wendy.   Thus Ends Session 38...
Report Date
10 Oct 2023


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