Session 5

General Summary

Shots Ring out as the party reaches a clearing before the tower. The Party starts to run from cover to cover while being shot at by their assailant. Siofra is hit with the shot taking a chunk of her left ear.   Xavier makes it inside and uses Thaumaturgy to distract the assailant while the rest of the party run into the tower.   When The Party reaches the 2nd floor they here a loud sound like a guitar string being plucked while bass boosted.   They Rush up to the 3rd floor to find no assailant but ominous purple flame instead.   While messing around with the flame They discover that it doesn't radiant heat, acts more like Mist when interacted with, is not magical in nature and they successfully put a flicker of the "flame" in a vial.   They once again here that sound from behind them, they turn around only to see one solid wall of the purple flame erupting from the floor.   Siofra takes aim at the flame with her bow and fires. From the flame emerges a two headed dog. One head catches the arrow and the other grabs the same, caught, arrow and breaks it in half like a wishbone. 2 more Death Dogs appear and initiative is rolled.   After defeating 2 of the Death Dogs, the party hears that ominous sound once again but it came from the 2nd floor. The Flame that the Death Dogs came from Begins to die down. The 3rd, bloodied Death Dog attempts to escape to the 2nd floor but is ultimately defeated via Xavier bysecting it perfectly down the center turning a full, two head dog into 2 half Dogs. (Very "Sunguard" of him.)   The party heads downstairs only to find another wall of purple flame. They attempt to walk through the flame only for nothing to happen, they cast Dispell Magic for nothing to happen.   A voice is suddenly heard from the fire exclaiming "who dares to disrupt my plans!"   The Party attempts to communicate but the voice turns abyssal.   Before the voice leaves the party hears "I can't wait to conquer you, you may try to stop me but one thing has become very clear to me, YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!"   The flame begins to die down and Carl discovers that he recognizes one of the runes on the ground.   The rune translates to Vortigarr and looks very much like a world on fire.   The Party decides to make the 3 day journey to Hamunia Kratero to answer the letter Xavier received from his Brother, Derek.   They arrive and decide to head to the Sunguard house in hopes of finding Derek. Along the way Nariyah and Siofra buy a bouquet of flowers (that was really overpriced) to present as a gift to the Sunguards.   When they reach the house they meet Malton The Butler who informs The Party that Derek is working in the Poorer Regions of HK and should be home for dinner.   They enter the house to find Xavier's mother working away in the kitchen.   They find the mother to be very warm and inviting. Showing a level of kindness and love that really stands out to Nariyah and Siofra. Carl however is immediately suspicious...   They spend hours in conversation as the party regails the mother with their tales meeting and adventure.   Xavier's father, Alexander, arrives home and he too is very welcoming and moreso overjoyed that his boy has returned to the city.   After another few hours of Regailing and eating, The Party ask to talk to Alexander privately. He takes them to his study and The Party begins to inform him on the Events up to this points and ask him questions in hopes of finding answers.   After confering with his mysterious notebooks, (and some heavy drinking) Alexander has no answers for the party but he does mention that there is an Artificer that has set up shop in HK and that he can take them to him in the morning to hopefully get some answers.   The party realizes that it is late into the night and Derek has not yet returned home. They decide to head to the Poorer Regions to find him.   After a couple of hours of searching and getting directions from the local guards, they make their way to a shack near the edge of town as that is the last known place Derek was seen.   As they approach the shack, it erupts in a large explosion. So large that The Party can feel the Shockwave from where they were standing. So large that it obliterates the sides of the surrounding buildings that were facing the shack.   Thus Ending Session 5.
Report Date
24 Nov 2022


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