Session 6

General Summary

A fiery shockwave hurtles towards the party and the surrounding crowd. 9 Elite guards, known as Zongarda, appear from behind and form a wall out of their tower shields. The fire hits their shields and arcs up and over everyone's heads.   As One of the guards turns and begins to bark out orders, he makes eye contact with Xavier and takes off his helmet to reveal himself as his older brother, Derek.   The fire that flew overhead seems to have caught the top portion of the surrounding houses and they begin to burn.   The Party sets to work putting the flames out. Using buckets to throw water, casting spells, recruiting a family of White Dragonborn and a Bard that is also casting spells.   Siofra and Nariyah hear a woman screaming for her child in a house nearby and they break in to save her. A reading into the fiery house, climbing the stairs and searching room by room, they eventually find her, put out the flames and the girl tells them her dog is still inside.   Suddenly the dog blinks into existence then dissapears. It reappears again beside the girl and Siofra & Nariyah suggest using the dog to escape, the girl carrying the dog to the window and her mother can be heard calling Sparky, the dog, to her. The girl and dog blink out of sight and reappear near the mother. Nariyah and Siofra use rope to climb out the window.   At the same time Xavier and Carl notice a figure has collapsed and a piece of fiery debris is falling towards it. They begin running and Carl, using some quick thinking, destroys the Debris with his pistol.   They discover the figure was a Grung and he is unconscious. They take a waterskin and pour it over the Grung and he takes off running to the fountain nearby to soak himself.   After the party meets up again they discover that, even tough they are extinguishing the fires, the flames from farther up the road are encroaching on their hard-fought safety.   Suddenly a cavalry of about 50 people come charging in with buckets in hand. As they ride down the alleyway they through their buckets of water completely extinguishing all the flames in two passes. This is Hamunia Kratero's Fire Brigade being led in by Alexander Sunguard.   Carl, Nariyah & Siofra take off towards the origin point of the explosion. Carl recognizes the fumes of Gunpowder in the air and after a bit of searching they find a mask that looks like a the head of a dragon of old.   They put the mask on and notice that smoke begins to flow out the sides of it's mouth and their breath gets warmer with breath they take. They give a hearty blow of air, the mouth of the mask snaps open and begins to belch flame into the air.   Xavier and Derek appear and Derek suggests going back to the estate for a meal and rest.   As they leave, the Bard from earlier gets Nariyah's attention and reveals herself to be a Water Genasi and the contact that Nariyah was supposed to meet in Vattendevin.   Her name is Devlin.   She informs Nariyah that the person she is searching for was last seen in Dustavarus, south of Harmunia Kratero.   She also instructs Nariyah in how to contact her if she wishes to speak. After bedding farewell she dissappears before Nariyah's eyes.   Nariyah rejoins the group and they arrive back at the estate. They are greeted by the warm and strong embrace of Anastasia who was incredibly worried.   After The party and Sunguards partake in a late dinner, Alexander informs the Party that he can take them to meet the Artificer in the morning to seek answers.   Anastasia then takes them to their rooms and the sleep.   They also Level Up.   The Party awakes, has breakfast and they, with Alexander leading them, head out to meet the artificer.   They get to the shop and enter. They are met with the sight of a blue grung named Wembly who is in fact the city's only known artificer.   They show her the mask and she gets visibly distraught. She reveals that she created them and about 100 more for a man who cam in about 2 weeks ago. He paid really good coin for those Masks...   Before they can inquire about the flame They have they begin to hear screaming and yelling coming from outside.   They all Rush outside to see a crowd of people running from fillers of flames, lightning, Ice, etc shooting up into the air.   Thus Ends Session 6.
Report Date
24 Nov 2022


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