Session 7

General Summary

Civilians are running for their lives as The Party, Wembly & Alexander make their way to the origin point. They discover 5 people wearing more Dragon masks and using their breath weapons to kill the people around them.   The Party inquires about their motivation only to discover that these people are trying to bring back The Draconic Discourse in some shape or form.   Alexander prays to Soleil and ignites his sword hilt.   Initiative is rolled...   Even though these foes go down easily there are more that just keep coming. partway through the fight, one of the Cultists taunts Xavier and Alexander with a hint to Anastasia being in danger also.   The fight concludes and before they have a chance to loot the masks, They hear more yelling, almost like more are on their way. Derek shows up and Alexander encourages The Party to Run to the house to save Anastasia.   The Party hesitates but ultimately begins to run off.   Nariyah arrives first in her Panther form to find that the giant double doors of the estate have been Complete busted through. She rushes in to be met with 10 more cultists. The Party runs in shortly after and Xavier Intimidates some of the Cultists. They do not know where Anastasia is.   Suddenly , with The Cultists focused on The Party, a figure cloaked in black fades into existence and kills two of the Cultists Via Sneak Attack and Smite. She then fades away and a new Initiative is rolled.   They defeat the Cultists and the figure is revealed to be Anastasia herself.   Suddenly they all hear the faint familiar sound associated with the flaming portals. They all run back to where they left Alexander & Derek.   They find a crowd standing in silence as they hear energy crackling and metallic clanging. They push through the thick crowd to a clearing where they see a large Man with a purple based but gold trimmed skin, long horns, mismatched armor and a large battle axe.   The man kicks Alexander onto his back sending his now deactivated sword hilt scattering across the ground, The man then swings his battle axe down and Lops off Alexanders right hand.   He the picks up said hand and notices Xavier in the crowd, he Looks Xavier in the eye, holds up his fathers hand, and turns that hand to flame.   Xavier begins to rush him but the man just backs up into his portal but not before saying "I told you, you are not prepared."   The Man disappears into the portal but Xavier still gives chase. when he passes through the flames he seems to be presented with a vision.   Figures cloaked in shadow standing on hundred of assembly lines reaching as far as they eye can see, one by one their eyes light up and the man is standing infront of them, staring at Xavier. He gives a cocky smile, opens his arms and says "try me" Xavier awakes still in our world but on the other side of the flame.   He rushes to his father, who is bloodied and cut up from the fight, and heals him while Nariyah cauterizes the stump. Alexander then begins to reach with his stump in the direction of where the sword scattered. Xavier locates it and picks it up, upon doing so he begins to hear a still, small, child like voice in the back of his head. The voices is worried about "Alex" and introduces itself as Solgaleal. Xavier attempts to ignite the sword but nothing happens. The sword reveals that trust is the key and disappears.   At the same time Nariyah and Siofra try to locate Derek and find in under some rubble in a caved in outer corner of a building. He is equally as bloodied as Alexander but unconscious. He is healed slightly and asks for Xavier. As guards come to stretcher out Alexander, Xavier rushes over to Derek and in his delirious state warns Xavier that they must unite the realm once again.   Siofra then notices a cloaked figure in the crowd, He matches the description of the man that Wembly sold the masks to. However Wembly identified the man based off of a skull they found, he shouldn't be alive...   The man takes off running and Siofra gives chase...   Thus Ending Session 7.
Report Date
24 Nov 2022


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