Session 8

General Summary

The Party gives chase. After the figure runs down a alley way, Nariyah assumes her panther form and catches up to the figure.   the figure is revealed to be the man that Wembley described. however he should be dead.   They discover the he is actually a she and her natural appearance matches the bodies in the mine back in Vattendevin.   She recognizes Carl and begins to grovel at his feet, begging him not to report her back to Vortigarr for she has failed the mission lest he kill her family.   Her eyes widen as she looks behind the part. they all turn around to see a cloaked figure whip out a weapon with an elongated barrel and a telescope on top.   carl quickly fires a disarming shot that causes the figure to stumble but still hold their weapon as they then take off away from the party.   Xavier calls forth some guards to take her to the "Most Comfortable" prison the have and with that the party gives chase yet again.   Nariyah, still in the form of a panther, easily catches up to the assailant and knocks them to the ground.   The assailant whips around and to Nariyah's shock she finds herself looking at another Carl Bastion. the warforged pulls out a palm pistol and aims it at it's own metalic head.   Nariyah trys to take the gun away but is unsuccessful as the Warforged takes the shot...   Shockingly it doesn't die. Carl comes to retrieve the pistol and convinces the warforged to hand it over but not without it saying to him "Complete the mission".   They interrogate the warforged and discover thet there are actually hundreds of thousands of them at Vortigarr's call.   When asked what powers it, it simply states "The Souls of The Dead..."   The mission is to infiltrate and further dismantle Fartharia in it's already weakened state.   Carl gets little to no answers and desides to shoot the warforged. As he aims his gun a woman's voice is suddenly heard coming from the warforged who up to the point has been emotionless and mon speaking.   The last words heard are " No, please wait..." *BANG* as Carl fires his gun killing the warforged in an instant.   Carl picks up the rifle and walks away.   Xavier and Nariyah search the body and discover a pocket in the cloak that holds a note that states it's mission is to kill "Lilith"   Xavier calls over more guards to take the body to Wembly's shop as Nariyah goes to find a mailbox to leave the sign for Devlin that she wants to talk.   They go to the shop and explain to Wembly the situation. Wembly get's to work on disecting the warforged.   The Part then goes to the prison that holds, who they assume to be, Lilith. They question her some more and discover that Vortigarr conquered her world before setting his sites on theirs, there are thousands of other "Changelings" in Fartharia either hiding from, helping unwillingly, or willingly helping Vortigarr. She was an unwilling helper and actually knew The changeling that took the form of the mayor's advisor back in Vattendevin.   Other discoveries:   The portals only open from one side.   They have preplanned exit strategies including location, and time.   Spies and assassins could be anywhere and might still be trying to kill Lilith.   Lilith's mission was to instill fear in Armunia Kratero via helping cultists in their mission to revive the symbolism of the Draconic Discourse and she may have set up the original leader to die so that she can take over as their leader.   The Party goes back to The Sunguard Estate toi find Anastasia in a frantic cleaning state of mind. she tells them that Malton had forted up in Alexanders study and, come to think of it, she hasn't seen him since.   The Party rushes up to the study and get in only to discover the study in shambles. papers and books everywhere and furniture overturned.   They investigate Alexander's desk and find the "Secret" drawer with the notebooks in it was forced open and the books are gone.   they find the window above the fireplace open and the curtains that once flanked the sides of the window are now made into a rope, latched onto the fire place and hanging out the window.   Malton has disappeared and the notebooks are missing...   Thus Ending Session 8.
Report Date
24 Nov 2022


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