The Draconic Discourse Organization in Fartharia | World Anvil

The Draconic Discourse

On the 13th of Highsun in the year 2257 BU all seemed to be quiet in Fartharia. However in Merduh as their Festival of Fire is underway there's a rumble felt in the ground growing in intensity. suddenly magma explode from the mount as, one by one, five Dragons emerge from the volcano. They threaten to destroy Merduh first unless the people join them as their army. What choice do they have? for months they roam Fartharia taking over region after region until they came to Armunia Kratero to find an army waiting to oppose them and thus the shortest war in Fartharia's history began. The War for Freedom. After days of fiting the day was finally one in The Battle of Burning Fields on the 31st of Fellnight in the year 2257, where Vatra Died along with the rest of the Discourse. seemingly...

Unknown - 31st of Fellnight, 2257 BU

Secret, Brotherhood
Alternative Names
The DD, The Discourse
Successor Organization
Notable Members

Articles under The Draconic Discourse


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