Vortigarr Character in Fartharia | World Anvil


From a realm outside Fartharia comes a man with only one mission.   To rule everything, everyone, every world.   With an army of Warforged and Changeling infiltrators on his side, he hopes to use them to dismantle the already divided regions of Fartharia and invade with little to no resistance.   Using Changelings as spies and information gatherers, Vortigarr realizes that Alexander Sunguard, Commander of the City Watch, seems to be a beacon of hope to the people of the former capital maybe even Fartharia. He decides that this Beacon must be snuffed out if he hopes to succeed.   He learns of a secret cult hiding in Armunia Kratero wishes to be the return of The Draconic Discourse.   He tasks a Changeling, Lilith, with infiltrating Armunia Kratero, providing the cult with something that might make them confident enough to come out of hiding and attack the Former Capital.   Rahday, The 24th of Lowsun, 2896 AB The cult with their new weapons begins to attack Armunia Kratero in the streets claiming to be reviving the threat of The Draconic Discourse. Vortigarr, using this cult as a distraction, teleports to the intersection that Alexander and Derek Sunguard are fighting the cultists.   He takes out Derek, slashing out his right eye and kicking him into the corner of a building where the wall collapses on him crushing his leg While fighting Alexander, Xavier and the rest of a motley crew of adventurers are pushing through the gathered crowd, Vortigarr kicks down Alexander and lops off his right hand causing his sword to scatter across the ground, Vortigarr then picks up the severed hand and, while looking Xavier in the eyes, Burns the hand to ash in his own hand. He then escapes into the portal but Xavier makes it just in time to receive a vision of what is on the other side.
Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Purple with golden lines


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