Basic Skill Actions

We cover these in more detail in Actions and Outcomes, but here’s a quick reference so that you don’t have to flip all the way over there right now.   Overcome: True to its name, you tackle some kind of challenge, engaging task, or hindrance related to your skill .   Create an Advantage: Whether you’re discovering something that already exists about an opponent or creating a situation that helps you succeed, creating advantages allows you to discover and create Aspects, and lets you get free invocations of them.   Attack: You try to harm someone in a conflict. That harm may be physical, mental, emotional, or social in nature.   Defend: You try to keep someone from harming you, getting past you, or creating an advantage to use against you.   There are also some special effects that some skill perform, such as giving you additional stress boxes for a conflict. See Physique and Will in the default skill list below for examples.   Even though there are only four actions that all skills adhere to, the skill in question lends context to the action. For example, both Burglary and Crafts allow you to create an advantage, but only under very different con texts—Burglary allows you to do it when you’re casing a place you’re about to break into, and Crafts allows you to do it when you’re examining a piece of machinery. The different skills let you differentiate the PCs’ abilities from one another a bit, allowing each person to have a unique contribution to the game.


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