Defining Extras

An extra in Fate is a pretty broad term. We use it to describe anything that’s technically part of a character or controlled by a character, but gets special treatment in the rules. If your Fate game were a movie, this is where the special effects budget would go.   Some examples of extras include: • Magic and supernatural powers • Specialized gear or equipment, like enchanted arms and armor in a fantasy game or hyper-tech in a sci-fi game • Vehicles owned by the characters • Organizations or locations that the characters rule or have a lot of influence over   The tools in here will let you tailor extras to fit your game or provide material to steal right off the page. It’s okay. We don’t mind. We consider extras to be an extension of the character sheet, so whoever controls the character to whom the extra belongs also controls that extra. Most of the time, that’ll be the players, but NPCs may also have extras controlled by the GM.   Extras require a permission or cost to own.


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