Extreme Consequences

In addition to the normal set of mild, moderate, and severe consequences, every PC also gets one last-ditch option to stay in a fight—the extreme con sequence. Between major milestones, you can only use this option once.   An extreme consequence will absorb up to 8-shifts of a hit, but at a very serious cost—you must replace one of your aspects (except the high concept, that’s off limits) with the extreme consequence . That’s right, an extreme consequence is so serious that taking it literally changes who you are.   Unlike other consequences , you can’t make a recovery action to diminish an extreme consequence —you’re stuck with it until your next major mile stone. After that, you can rename the extreme consequence to reflect that you’re no longer vulnerable to the worst of it, as long as you don’t just switch it out for whatever your old aspect was. Taking an extreme consequence is a permanent character change; treat it as such.


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