It's Time For Action

You roll the dice when there’s some kind of interesting opposition keep ing you from achieving your goals. If there’s no interesting opposition, you just accomplish whatever you say you’re trying to do.   As we’ve said in prior chapters, characters in a Fate game solve their problems proactively. Players, during the game you’re going to do a lot—you might break into the bad guy’s fortress, pilot a starship past a minefield, rally a group of people into a protest, or poll a network of informants to get the latest word on the street.   Whenever you take action, there’s a good chance that something or some one is going to be in your way. It wouldn’t be an interesting story if the bad guy just rolled over and handed you victory on a plate—clearly, he’s got some crazy security measures to keep you out of his place. Or the mines are unstable and already blowing up around you. Or the protesters are really scared of the cops. Or someone’s been bribing the informants to keep quiet. That’s when it’s time to take out the dice.   • Choose the character’s skill that is appropriate to the action. • roll four Fate dice. • Add together the symbols showing on the dice. A + is +1, a - is –1, and a 0 is 0. • Add your skill rating to the dice roll . The total is your result on the ladder. • If you invoke an aspect, add +2 to your result or reroll the dice.   Cynere needs to bribe her way past the guards keeping her from entering the city of Thaalar. Amanda says she’ll do this as a straight-up overcome action, because the guards are nameless NPCs anyway and not really worth a conflict. Lily looks through Cynere’s skill list and picks Resources as her skill, hoping she can scrounge enough out of her coin purse to satisfy them. Her Resources skill is Average (+1), so she’ll add one to whatever result she gets from rolling the dice.   She rolls and gets:0-++ Her total result is +2 (+1 from her dice and +1 from her skill of Average), which corresponds to a Fair on the ladder.


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