Setting the Scene

GMs and players, you should talk briefly before you start a conflict about the circumstances of the scene. This mainly involves coming up with quick answers to variations of the four W-questions, such as:   • Who’s in the conflict? • Where are they positioned relative to one another? • When is the conflict taking place? Is that important? • What’s the environment like?   You don’t need an exhaustive amount of detail here, like precise measures a of distance or anything like that. Just resolve enough to make it clear for everyone what’s going on.   GMs, you’re going to take this information and create situation aspects to help further define the arena of conflict.   Landon, Zird, and Cynere are breaking into a dockside ware house in order to find smuggled goods on behalf of their latest employer. Unfortunately, someone tipped the smuggler off. Now Og, one of his thug lieutenants, is at the warehouse waiting for them to show up, and he brought along four friends. The participants in the conflict are pretty obvious—the PCs, plus Og and four nameless enforcers, all NPCs under Amanda’s control. The warehouse is the environment, and the group takes a moment to talk about it—boxes and crates everywhere, large and open, there’s probably a second floor, and Amanda mentions the loading door is open because they’re waiting for a ship to come in.


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