Stunts: Creating a Rules Exception

Finally, a stunt can allow a skill to make a single exception, in a narrow circumstance, for any other game rule that doesn’t precisely fit into the category of an action. The Challenges, Contests, and Conflicts chapter is full of different little rules about the circumstances under which a skill can be used and what happens when you use them. Stunts can break those, allowing your character to stretch the boundaries of the possible.     The only limit to this is that a stunt can’t change any of the basic rules for aspects in terms of invoking, compelling, and the fate point economy. Those always remain the same.   Here are some stunts that create rules exceptions:   • Ritualist. Use Lore in place of another skill during a challenge, allow ing you to use Lore twice in the same challenge.   • Hogtie. When you use Crafts to create a Hogtied (or similar) advan tage on someone, you can always actively oppose any overcome rolls to escape the hogtie (also using Crafts), even if you’re not there. (Normally, if you weren’t there, the escaping character would roll against passive opposition, making it a lot easier to escape.)   • Riposte. If you succeed with style on a Fight defense, you can choose to inflict a 2-shift hit rather than take a boost.


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