The Four Outcomes

The Four Outcomes   When you roll the dice , either you’re going to fail, tie, succeed, or succeed with style. Every roll you make in a Fate game results in one of four outcomes, generally speaking. The specifics may change a little depending on what kind of action you’re taking, but all the game actions fit this general pattern.   Fail If you roll lower than your opposition, you fail. This means one of several things: you don’t get what you want, you get what you want at a serious cost, or you suffer some negative mechanical consequence. Sometimes, it means more than one of those. It’s the GM’s job to determine an appropriate cost.   Tie If you roll the same as your opposition, you tie. This means you get what you want, but at a minor cost, or you get a lesser version of what you wanted.   Succeed If you roll higher than your opposition by 1 or 2 shifts, you succeed. This means you get what you want at no cost.   Succeed with Style If you roll higher than your opposition by 3 or more shifts, you succeed with style. This means that you get what you want, but you also get an added benefit on top of that  


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