The GM and Fate Points

GMs, you also get to use Fate Points, but the rules are a little bit different than the rules for players. When you award players fate points for Compel or concession, they come out of an unlimited pool you have for doing so—you don’t have to worry about running out of fate points to award, and you always get to compel for free.   The NPCs under your control are not so lucky. They have a limited pool of fate point s you get to use on their behalf. Whenever a scene starts, you get one fate point for every PC in that scene. You can use these points on behalf of any NPC you want, but you can get more in that scene if they take a compel, like PCs do.   You reset to your default total, one per PC, at the beginning of every scene.   There are two exceptions:   • You accepted a compel that effectively ended the last scene or starts the next one. If that happens, take an extra fate point in the next scene.   • You conceded a conflict to the PCs in the previous scene. If that happens, take the fate points you’d normally get for the concession into the next scene and add them to the default total. If the immediate next scene doesn’t present a significant interaction with NPCs, you can save these extra points until the next scene that does.


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