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Assassin of Genesis

White Hawk of the Oda Mitsuhide Akechi (a.k.a. Jūbei, Koretō Hyūga no Kami, 9 Day Shogun, Tenkai)

Noble Phantasm:

Honno-ji Fire (B): Mitsuhide summons Honno-ji & sets it on fire using his katana burning any servants caught in it.

Jigen Daishi (EX): Mitsuhide has a unique type of presence concealment in which opponents will see him as the caster, Tenkai. This activates when Mitsuhide is not in direct eye contact with his opponent & will erase his opponent’s memory when it is activated.  
: Presence Concealment, Mana Burst (Flame), Jigen Daishi, Instinct, Magecraft (D)
: Atago Hyakuin: A renga written by Mitsuhide & his sympathizers at Mount Atago prior to the Incident of Honnōji.
: To actually kill Nobunaga.
: Alucard Benevito
Holy Grail War
: Fate/Genesis
: Failing to kill Oda Nobunaga.
: Burned alive in his master’s hedge maze after killing them.
Strength Endurance Agility
Mana Luck NP

Physical Description

Special abilities

Magecraft: Due to the rumor that Mitsuhide became the monk Tenkai, Mitsuhide gains some minor magecraft. His elemental affinity is Ether/Void.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Akechi Mitsuhide, first called Jūbei from his clan & later Koretō Hyūga no Kami from his title, was a Japanese samurai general of the Sengoku period best known as the assassin of Oda Nobunaga. Mitsuhide was a bodyguard of Ashikaga Yoshiaki & later a successful general under daimyō Nobunaga during his war of political unification in Japan. Mitsuhide rebelled against Nobunaga for unknown reasons in the Honnō-ji Incident in 1582, forcing the unprotected Nobunaga to commit seppuku in Kyoto. Mitsuhide attempted to establish himself as shōgun, but was pursued by Nobunaga's successor Toyotomi Hideyoshi & defeated at the Battle of Yamazaki.
Tenkai was a Japanese Tendai Buddhist monk of the Azuchi-Momoyama & early Edo periods. He achieved the rank of Daisōjō, the highest rank of the priesthood. His Buddhist name was first Zuifū, which he changed to Tenkai in 1590. Also known as Nankōbō Tenkai, he died on 13 November 1643, & was granted the posthumous title of Jigen Daishi in 1648. There are several theories concerning his early life. Some fiction writers postulate that he was in actuality Akechi Mitsuhide. It is not certain whether Mitsuhide died at the Battle of Yamazaki or not, & some suppose that he survived & began a new life as the priest Tenkai.

Failures & Embarrassments

Mitsuhide's biggest failure is the failure to kill his lord, Oda Nobunaga.

Mental Trauma

After failing to kill Oda Nobunaga Mitsuhide felt disgraced, as a warrior he couldn't even fulfill his own personal duty.

Morality & Philosophy

Mitsuhide will follow any order by someone he considers to be a "Demon King".

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: I often find myself eating chimaki in stressful situations. It tends to calm my anxieties.
: I have a distaste for alcohol, wine specifically. Lord Nobunaga tended to tease me about it.



Shogun for 9 days before being "killed" by Hideyoshi.

Contacts & Relations

Oda Clan: Being apart of the Oda clan, Akechi had relationships with almost everyone connected to it.
  • Oda Nobunaga: Loyal retainer of Oda Nobunaga, before he betrayed him.
  • Yasuke: Yasuke & Mitsuhide didn't really talk even though they were both Oda generals. Yasuke was present during the Honnō-ji incident, however Nobunaga ordered him to stay back. Mitsuhide had great respect for Yasuke & chose not to kill him.
  • Mori Ranmaru: Ranmaru was Mitsuhide's loyal disciple. Mitsuhide would often care for Ranmaru, teaching him how to fight & even some strategy. They both began in the Saitō clan before joining Nobunaga. However while Mitsuhide slowly drifted away from Nobunaga, Ranmaru slowly became closer with him, to the point where Ranmaru stood against Mitsuhide during the Honnō-ji incident. During said incident Ranmaru confronted Mitsuhide directly, asking his motives, Mitsuhide tells him that the land would be better off if Nobunaga was dead. Mitsuhide even offered Ranmaru to join him but Ranmaru refused. Having been fond of Ranmaru, Mitsuhide decided to spare him & instead focused all of his efforts on Nobunaga. Mitsuhide, even though he was not the one to kill him, lamented Ranmaru's death at Honnō-ji.
  • Lady Nō: Nō & Mitsuhide were childhood friends, having both originated from the Saitō clan they often acted like siblings. But while Mitsuhide was offered the position of general by Nobunaga, Nō was entered into a political marriage between the two clans. Mitsuhide always suspected Nō's true intentions with Nobunaga due to her connections to the Saitō clan, he believed Nō was sent to one day assassinate Nobunaga. Ironically Nō was sent to assassinate Nobunaga but decided not to whereas Mitsuhide did. Before the Honnō-ji incident Nō had sensed Mitsuhide's slow descent & witnessed many of Nobunaga's followers warn him about it. However Nobunaga refused to listen causing Nō to leave. Mitsuhide is forever grateful that he didn't have to kill his sister.
  • Toyotomi Hideyoshi: Akechi & Hideyoshi often fought after Nobunaga died. With them having various disagreements for how the land should be ruled.
  • Shibata Katsuie: Katsuie & Mitsuhide often argued about the way to go about things. Mitsuhide tended to think more cautiously while Katsuie tended to charge into battles headfirst. This caused Mitsuhide to think of Katsuie as nothing more than a brute. The only commonality they shared was that they were both trusted generals of the Oda. To Mitsuhide's disappointment, Katsuie was absent from the Honnō-ji incident.
  • Tokugawa Ieyasu: After Mitsuhide's "death" Tenkai, joins Ieyasu in his various campaigns.
  • Hisahide Matsunaga: Matsunaga egged Mitsuhide's various doubts about Nobunaga, often telling him "Is this really the country you wanted?" Mitsuhide doesn't trust Matsunaga, but acknowledges that he's probably a better strategist.

Family Ties

A descendant of the Toki-Akechi family of the shugo Toki clan. Raised in the Saitō clan. Son of Akechi Mitsutsuna & a daughter of the Wakasa Takeda clan. Childhood friend of Nō. Husband of Tsumaki Hiroko. Father of Akechi Mitsuyoshi & Hosokawa Gracia.
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
March 10, 1528
Date of Death
July 2, 1582
1528 AD 1582 AD
Circumstances of Birth
Born to Akechi Mitsutsuna & a daughter of the Wakasa Takeda clan.
Circumstances of Death
Supposed to have been killed by Nakamura Chōbei, but is speculated to have escaped & lived out the rest of his life as Tenkai.
Tara Castle, Mino Province, Japan
Place of Death
Shōryūji Castle, Yamazaki, Japan
Dark Violet.
Long, sleek, violet.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 9"
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Fly, my blade of betrayal. Shirotaka, the enemy is at Honno-ji. Honno-ji Fire!"
Known Languages


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