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Homunculus is a term for an existence created through an alchemical method to produce fully functional lifeforms from sperm & other elements without the use of a womb.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Homunculi lack any reproductive organs.

Growth Rate & Stages

Homunculi are born with mature bodies & all necessary knowledge & reasoning given to them the moment they are born. They never become older, so the concept of "age" is meaningless for them. Since Homunculi have no accumulated experience like humans do, their souls are young, pure, & sturdy like an infant's. As such. they won't be dyed by anything, and their bodies can endure any kind of transformation, like being possessed by a Heroic Spirit or by a Divine Spirit.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A perfect Homunculus is essentially a man-made artificial extension of nature that, external factors aside, will not die for as long as the planet is healthy & has Mana left. However, the price of being given life through such artificial means is that the Homunculus will invariably have some sort of physical defect (small stature, short lifespan, lower intellect or lack of reproductive capabilities are just a few examples). Even with their potential longevity, they are below humans when it comes down to their strength as life-forms.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Most of the Hommuculi used to be created by the Dougal family, thus they had a monopoly. Until Miner 8 won the NYC Holy Grail war, making all of the Hommunculi in the world apart of one big mage family. This action forced the Mages Association to give them autonomy, treating them with the same respect as any other magi.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Most Homunculi are created with intent of being a vessel for the Holy Grail. These Hommunculi are known as Lesser Holy Grail's. Normal Magi can be made into vessels but the process usually kills them, destroying the Grail. Thus Hommunculi are used because of their durable magic circuits.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Despite having the same form & cognition as humans, Homunculi are ultimately different beings due to their possessing a powerful Magic Circuit. Regardless of how fragile they are, their Magic Circuits make it possible for the Homunculus to achieve powers that are beyond an ordinary human's. Fundamentally different than the Magi that are humans with Magic Circuits, Homunculi are better defined as "Magic Circuits with a human form". Not "something made to be a Magus", but rather "something made to be a Magic Circuit".

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Most Homunculi don't have names, instead being referred to their job title & a number. Ex: Miner 8.

Gender Ideals

Due to their artifical nature, Hommuculi don't have a concept of gender.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pale white skin, with light gray hair, & amber eyes.
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