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Lancer of Limos

Raging Roland (a.k.a. Orlando,)

Noble Phantasm:
Durandal (C): Roland turns his spear into a sword & shoots a beam of mana from it.  
: Double Summon, Magic Resistance, Riding, Mad Enhancement, Mana Burst (Light)
: Hair Ornament: A hair ornament given to Roland by Astolfo.
: Lauren Benevito
Holy Grail War
: Fate/Limos
: Dying at Roncevaux Pass.
: Being stabbed by Anthony Proci while being held down by Odysseus.
Strength Endurance Agility
A A+ B
Mana Luck NP

Physical Description

Body Features

All of Roland's body is as tough as diamonds, except for the soles of his feet.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Also known as Orlando, Roland is the paladin leader of the Twelve Paladins of Charlemagne. He’s a young, pious hero who gained popularity through the Song of Roland & Orlando Furioso. Recognized as one of the most popular & renowned of the Paladins, he is famed for being the wielder of Durandal that he received from Charlemagne. The sword appeared in various other legends revolving around Charlemagne, & it eventually became a symbol of Roland's bravery. However, he’s a bit weak in regards to romance, & acts out in madness when rejected. He holds the monstrous strength to tear a man apart with his bare hands, & his skin is said to be as tough as diamond. In addition to other things, he was brave enough to smash an orc terrorizing the seaside with an anchor. However, when he abandons his mission halfway & chases after a beautiful woman named Angelica, it’s a bit disappointing to watch. Nonetheless, up to this point, he falls within the category of ‘valiant paladin’. Roland was said to have fallen in love with the beautiful queen Angelica, but she rejected the idea of falling in love & eloping with a "mere soldier" out of her pride. This caused Roland to go mad, throwing off all his clothes and rampaging around while nude. During his rampage, Astolfo & the other Paladins worked hard to capture him. Astolfo notably dressed as a woman during the episode, wearing such clothing to calm & appease Roland. He says the hair ornaments worn during that period are an "irresistible proof of friendship" between the two. Astolfo eventually brought him a bottle of reason from the moon & restored his sanity. Roland was trapped by the resentment of his stepfather Ganelon. Although he & other Twelve Paladins of Charlemagne fought hard, the enemy army was 400,000 strong against 20,000 of their own troops. Heroes fell one after another in the face of overwhelming numbers. When Roland was on the verge of death, he made an attempt to break Durandal to keep it from falling into enemy hands, but its indestructible nature did not allow for that. Roland wouldn’t blow the horn to call for reinforcements until the very end. Oliver blamed him for getting lost during a life-or-death situation, & when he asked if Roland wanted to prove the superiority of his heroism, Roland responded: “―――It’s a stupid reason. No matter how much I want to, I just can’t blow it. I still can’t believe the betrayal of the man who called himself my father.” This ridiculous, good-natured man, who had experience tragic love & knew how to harbor harsh resentment, could never get used to being betrayed by someone he believed in. When he and everyone else was on the verge of defeat, he held his horn high and blew with regret. His body covered with blood, blowing so hard that his brains were spilling out, he fought for a little longer before perishing. Convincing himself that this horn would bring about the death of his stepfather――― The message of the horn that Roland blew with his dying breath arrived, & Charlemagne arrived with reinforcements, but they hadn’t been able to reach the Twelve Paladins in time, & it’s said that most of them died in the battle. Roland killed King Agrican, Mandricardo's father, at one point in time.

Failures & Embarrassments

Roland didn't blow the Roncevaux Olifant, to summon the rest of the paladins, causing his death.

Mental Trauma

Roland is wracked with guilt from not being accepted by his stepfather, Ganelon.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Women, & my diamond body.
: Betrayal.

Personality Quirks

Roland has a tendency to randomly strip, especially in front of pretty women.


Contacts & Relations

Paladins of Charlemagne: Roland is a member of the Twelve Paladins of Charlemagne.
  • Charlemagne: Roland admires Charlemagne's coolness.
  • Astolfo: Astolfo was the one to calm Roland down during his fit of madness. Even going as far as to bring a bottle of sanity from the moon for him. Roland often feels like Astolfo is the only paladin he can call his true friend, saying that "Olivier is too serious for us to be considered actual friends."
  • Tilpin: Tilpin often scolds Roland, saying that "a paladin should display more decency." Roland thinks of Tilpin as the most ideal out of all the paladins.
  • Olivier: Olivier & Roland are friendly rivals, at least according to Roland. Olivier is often Roland's voice of reason, calming him down & bring him back to sanity. Because of this Roland is often too embarassed to ask Olivier for help, this exact pride led Roland to his downfall.
  • Ogier:
  • Renaud/Rinaldo:
Mandricardo: Roland killed King Agrican, Mandricardo's father, at one point in time. Because of this he & Mandricardo fought multiple times, but Roland died before they could have a proper conclusion. Mandricardo was also obsessed with obtaining Roland's Durendal.

Religious Views

Lawful Good.
Date of Birth
August 19, 736
Date of Death
August 15, 778
736 AD 778 AD
Place of Death
Roncevaux Pass
Light blue.
Short, blonde.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
218 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Ultimate Unbroken Hallow. Durandal!" "Sanctuaire ininterrompu ultime. Durandal!"
Known Languages


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