Dragon Species in Faymare | World Anvil
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Dragons are the oldest race on Faymare, borne from Tahnamut when he was created by The Fruit. The dragon race has always lived in solitude, usually living alone in cities or mountains with only a few servants and children keeping them company.

Basic Information


Dragons vary from size and shape, but the main parts are always the same. Dragons have large wings often spanning their entire body length, as well as four legs and a long tail. They have giant teeth, and special glands that manipulate the magick and elements in the air to breathe certain elements, like fire and ice.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragons lay eggs, and often do this without requiring fertilization by a male. Despite this, the 60 year period before hatching is what makes dragons have a smaller population than humans.

Ecology and Habitats

Most dragons live outside cities, in special towers called "dragon homes". Some dragons live in the mountains, these dragons being called rockdracons.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dragons are carnivorous and often feed on large prey like deer and mammoth.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

A dragon's intelligence is equal to the intelligence of all other races of Man.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dragons have standard senses, but have an impeccable darkvision. They can see up to 120 feet in the dark, 60 feet of which being in complete color.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dragons, like Toranyan, name their own children. They will imprint their children's names into the shells of their eggs, and when the egg hatches, the wyrm will instantly know their name.

Major Organizations

The Magnun was formed and is led by dragons.

Beauty Ideals

Dragon's, usually not romantic, do not focus on beauty, and more on knowledge and battle history.

Gender Ideals

Dragon females and males do not differ and often look the same.

Courtship Ideals

Dragons do not usually marry, and such do not have courtship ideals.

Relationship Ideals

Dragons do not usually marry, but they often wish for strong companions to help or fight with them.

Average Technological Level

Dragons are intelligent and usually embue weapons with incredibly strong magic, but their lack opposable thumbs means they do not craft much.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The main language of the dragons is Draconic.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Dragon culture is ancient and spans very far back.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Dragons don't have many views on others, but they share a strong connection with elves, as they both share the same magical talents.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Draconii Origus Origus
Dragons are believed to be immortal, but the oldest living dragon is 1853 years old.
Average Height
A dragon's height depends on their age. Younglings and wyrms are up to 5 feet, while ancient dragons are 40-50 feet tall.
Average Weight
An ancient dragon will be at least 500 tons, whereas a wyrm or youngling will weigh about 400 pounds.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
A dragons colouring and marking depends on it's race. A black dragon will be black or dark grey, while a bronze dragon may be a brownish orange.

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