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Session XVI: Crimmor Report

General Summary

On the road towards Crimmor they came upon a T-section in the road. The party decided to head directly towards Crimmor.   Upon arriving at the cities entrance, they had to wait in line. After 15 - 30 minutes a group arrived holding the banner of the Krimmevol family. They passed everyone waiting in line and entered the city. The caravan was transporting prisoners ( slaves ). Tylee recognized one of the prisoners. A tribesmember who goes by the name of named Balthar Mapleleaf. A young man near the age of 80. He was still in training to become a hunter / warrior for the tribe.   The party went to the most expensive inn in the city, called the Pearl, to collect information about where the slaves could have been taken to. Before entering Raven and Tylee both dressed in their gala clothes which they received in Eshpurta. Barakas his outfit was destroyed in a fight and could not dress in fancy clothes, which got him relegated to being a guard. He was later sent to the guardhouse next to the inn for hired help and was not allowed to enter the inn itself. Raven and Tylee went to question people in the inn’s common room, which was more like a gala room. Most people staying in the inn are rich people from the city itself. They stay here to flaunt their wealth in other people's faces. Tylee made a friend in Theresa Bormul who told them that she was very familiar with Mikaal Dannihyr, which was a huge lie. A lie Raven saw through, but Tylee believed it with all her heart.   The girl knew nothing else as the day progressed, but Barakas did learn the location of the slaves while playing cards and drinking with the other payed help who stayed in the outhouse next to the inn.   The players then went to the Docks and turned invisible to enter the warehouse. In an attempt to knock the warehouse keeper out, they accidentally killed him and stuffed his body in the bag of holding. They found some papers on his desk which contained the locations as to where the slaves were taken to. Raven turned into his gaseous form and entered the safe to see what was in it. A guard went to the first floor, but was chopped into three pieces and his body was then stuffed into the bag of holding.   The paper contained the following information: 1. First group was shipped onto a small boat and the boat has crossed the river to the other side onto the plains towards The Cloud Peak. a mountain to the north. 2. Sold off to a group dressed in crimson robes. What they used them for, they do not know, but they paid good money for them. The buyers also took a boat and headed upriver towards lake Meng. 3. 2 dead. Escaped from custody and killed by the guards. Bodies disposed of.
The endless journey
Tylee Tri
Chaotic Good Elf (Outlander)
Druid 3
22 / 22 HP
Chaotic Neutral Thiefling (Zariel) (Soldier)
Paladin 6
54 / 54 HP
Raven Blackwater
Report Date
10 Feb 2023
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