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Lance Stormsong

Lance Stormsong

Lance Stormsong was born the son of a travelling merchant. The first years of his life he saw a lot of the world, inspiring him to write songs about the things he saw. Eventually, he grew bored of the trading, yearning for adventure.   This brought him to Waterdeep. There, he quickly became slightly well-known due to his wide array of songs about far and beyond. One day, when Waterdeep threatened to be flooded by an immense storm, Lance saw an opportunity. One he deeply regrets. The song became his most famous song, and everybody has started calling him by its name: Stormsong.   Now, set on getting rid of that nickname (anything to get rid of that awful name) he is in search of adventure. An adventure so daring that people will HAVE to remember him for it. It's either that or die trying. Luckily, the tavern he played in last night had some talks about the Fellowship of the Arcane Blade. Maybe worth checking out...

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Though not overly tall, Lance makes a lanky impression. It is due to the fact that, whenever possible, he tries to get somebody else to do the heavy lifting.

Facial Features

Half-long brown hair, with a full beard and moustache. Often with a smile on his lips, always thinking of the next quip or insult.

Identifying Characteristics

Four scars on his back from a recent lashing. His long brown hair, which always seems to be a little too well-kempt for the situation

Physical quirks

Often too weak to do the real heavy lifting. Once managed to not be able to open a tavern door.

Apparel & Accessories

A lute

Personality Characteristics


After writing his (supposed) Magnum Opus, its name got stuck. Lance and Stormsong became synonymous, one word. Lance hates it with all of his passions, and has vowed to get rid of the godsforsaken name, whether it be dead or alive. Adventure and danger are his main drivers, because what better way to get a name for yourself than by throwing yourself headfirst into a deadly situation?

Likes & Dislikes

An entertainer by heart, Lance sees value in all social interactions. He likes jokes, even those at his own expense (except for one of them).

Virtues & Personality perks

Can think of the worst possible idea at the worst possible moment.

Vices & Personality flaws

Loyal to a fault.


Contacts & Relations

Member of the Fellowship of the Arcane Blade

Family Ties

His parents and sister are still merchants. Their current location is unknown.
Neutral Good
33 Years Old
Somewhere in East-Fearun
Current Residence
Waterdeep, the Fellowship's Inn
1.80m (average)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I swear, I'm not racist to halflings. Why does everybody keep saying that?" "Yes I will sing the song. Only once. Please stop asking." "My eyebrows! Won't anybody think of my eyebrows!" "I have a terrible idea. Does anybody want to hear it?" "Don't mind Zohar, he does that sometimes." "Still scared of you, though." (towards Lia)


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