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Rain Reid [Genasis]

Rain Reid [Genasis]

Rain Reid: A captivating individual with an extraordinary heritage, born to genie parents and raised by the sea, embodying resilience, curiosity, and an unwavering spirit of adventure.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rain boasts a lean and athletic physique, honed through a life spent exploring the vast oceans. Their lithe build enables them to navigate with agility and grace, effortlessly moving through both calm waters and tumultuous seas.

Body Features

Rain's body remains unadorned by tattoos, showcasing the natural beauty of their skin. Instead, their skin holds a subtle luminescence, reminiscent of moonlit waves, hinting at their mystical heritage. A delicate birthmark in the shape of a swirling wave graces Rain's left shoulder, serving as a constant reminder of their affinity with the water.

Facial Features

Rain possesses a defined and angular face, characterized by high cheekbones and a strong jawline. Their eyes, one a captivating shade of emerald green and the other a deep, warm brown, hold a magnetic allure, drawing others into their gaze. Rain's expressive eyes are framed by long, dark lashes, accentuating their depth and adding an air of mystery. Their smile is warm and inviting, often accompanied by a playful glimmer in their eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

Beyond Rain's captivating dual-colored eyes, their ears bear a delicate pair of silver earrings shaped like miniature seashells. These earrings, passed down through generations, symbolize their deep connection to the ocean and its mysterious wonders. Additionally, a constellation of freckles graces Rain's nose and cheeks, like stardust scattered across their sun-kissed complexion.

Physical quirks

In moments of deep concentration or excitement, Rain has a habit of absentmindedly running their fingers through their azure blue hair, as if lost in the ebb and flow of their own thoughts. This quirk serves as a subtle indication of their connection to the mystical currents that flow within them.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears a weathered leather wristband, a cherished memento gifted to them by their adoptive father, Milton, symbolizing their unbreakable bond and shared adventures on the open waters.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rain Reid's personal history is a tapestry woven with tales of adventure and self-discovery. Growing up under the care of their adoptive father, Captain Milton Reid, Rain developed a deep appreciation for the sea and an insatiable curiosity about the world beyond the shore. Their upbringing instilled values of loyalty, courage, and empathy, shaping Rain into a compassionate and resilient individual.


Rain's education was unconventional, primarily nurtured through firsthand experiences on the sailing ships alongside their father. They absorbed knowledge from the crew, learning the art of navigation, understanding the complexities of the sea, and developing an innate understanding of maritime lore. Rain's thirst for knowledge extends beyond maritime expertise, with a passion for literature, mythology, and the natural sciences.


With an inherent love for the ocean and sailing, Rain found their calling as an invaluable member of their father's crew. They seamlessly integrated into the life of a sailor, contributing their skills in navigation, resourcefulness, and magical prowess to ensure the success and safety of each voyage.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Rain's remarkable achievements include mastering the art of controlling water currents, using their magical abilities to protect the crew and ships during perilous encounters at sea. They have become a trusted confidant to their father and a respected member of the sailing community, earning a reputation as a skilled sailor and a symbol of hope and resilience.

Failures & Embarrassments

While Rain has faced challenges on their journey, they view failures as opportunities for growth and learning. There have been moments of misjudgment or miscalculations while commanding the waters, but Rain's resilience and humility allow them to learn from these experiences and emerge stronger.

Mental Trauma

Rain carries the weight of a past encounter with a treacherous storm that claimed the lives of dear friends and mentors. This traumatic event serves as a constant reminder of the unforgiving nature of the sea. While it has left scars on their heart, Rain has transformed their pain into a driving force to protect and guide others.
  Rain's prolonged isolation, hidden away from the outside world, has left an indelible mark on her psyche. The years spent in solitude instilled in her a profound appreciation for the value of companionship and human connection. The longing for interaction and the deprivation of social bonds have shaped Rain's understanding of the importance of unity and the preservation of relationships. As a result, Rain is deeply committed to fostering a sense of togetherness and ensuring that those around her feel supported and connected. She is unwavering in her dedication to keeping people together, going to great lengths to foster strong bonds and create a harmonious environment within her crew and the communities she encounters on her journeys. This understanding of the significance of companionship has not only shaped Rain's approach to interpersonal relationships but also fueled her drive to build bridges and forge lasting connections with others. She embraces her role as a unifying force, valuing the strength and resilience that come from collective solidarity.

Intellectual Characteristics

Rain possesses an inquisitive mind, driven by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. They have a keen intuition, a knack for problem-solving, and a strategic mindset honed through their experiences at sea. Rain's ability to adapt to unpredictable situations and think on their feet has been a valuable asset to both their personal and professional endeavors.

Morality & Philosophy

Rain embodies a strong moral compass, guided by principles of fairness, compassion, and justice. They believe in the power of unity and cooperation, striving to create a harmonious environment among the crew and promoting inclusivity. Rain's philosophy revolves around the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of preserving and respecting the natural world.

Personality Characteristics


Rain Reid, now a devoted Cleric of Valkur, finds immense purpose and motivation in serving their chosen deity. Guided by a deep reverence for the sea and a desire to protect and aid others, Rain is driven by a sense of duty to bring hope and safety to those who navigate the treacherous waters of life. Their unwavering faith in Valkur fuels their determination to be a beacon of light and strength for those in need.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Rain possesses a keen intuition for reading people, often sensing their emotional needs and offering solace or guidance. They excel at understanding the complexities of maritime navigation and drawing upon their knowledge of the sea to navigate treacherous waters. However, Rain sometimes struggles with land-based tasks and can be a bit clumsy when it comes to tasks unrelated to sailing or seafaring.

Likes & Dislikes

Rain finds solace and joy in the sound of crashing waves, the feel of salt-kissed air against their skin, and the sight of vast horizons stretching out before them. They have a deep appreciation for storytelling and often relish tales of adventure and exploration. Rain dislikes unnecessary conflict and is disheartened by the destruction of the natural world, as they view nature as a sacred gift to be cherished.

Virtues & Personality perks

Rain embodies a plethora of virtues, including compassion, bravery, and unwavering loyalty to those they hold dear. Their resilience and ability to adapt to challenging situations are also noteworthy. Additionally, Rain possesses a natural talent for inspiring others and uplifting their spirits, drawing upon their connection with Valkur to instill hope and courage.

Vices & Personality flaws

Despite their many virtues, Rain is occasionally plagued by self-doubt and can be overly critical of themselves. Their deep longing for companionship may at times cloud their judgment, leading them to put their own needs and well-being aside to prioritize the happiness of others. Rain's strong sense of justice can also make them stubborn and uncompromising in certain situations.

Personality Quirks

In moments of deep concentration or contemplation, Rain has a habit of absentmindedly twirling a seashell charm, a memento from their early days spent at sea. When excited or passionate about a topic, they may unconsciously punctuate their words with hand gestures, mirroring the graceful movements of ocean waves.


Rain maintains a diligent and disciplined hygiene routine, understanding the importance of cleanliness and health on their seafaring adventures. They take great care to keep their blue hair vibrant and maintain a fresh, salt-kissed scent that serves as a reminder of their deep connection to the sea.


Contacts & Relations

Rain Reid maintains a diverse network of contacts and relations, built through their interactions with fellow sailors, adventurers, and individuals they have aided throughout their travels. They have formed deep bonds with their crewmates, who have become like family to them. Rain's reputation as a skilled and compassionate Cleric of Valkur has also earned them the respect and admiration of those within the seafaring and religious communities.

Family Ties

Rain Reid's strongest family ties are with their adoptive father, Milton Reid, who raised them with love and care. Although Rain's biological parents remain a mystery, they cherish the memory of their genie heritage, carrying the essence of their magical lineage within them. The crewmates who have become Rain's family on the ships are held in the highest regard, with deep bonds of loyalty and shared adventures.

Religious Views

As a devout Cleric of Valkur, Rain's spiritual and religious views revolve around honoring and serving their chosen deity. They find solace and guidance in the teachings of Valkur, embracing the importance of unity, protection, and navigating life's challenges with courage and faith. Rain sees the sea as a divine manifestation of Valkur's power and remains in awe of the vastness and mysteries it holds.

Social Aptitude

Rain possesses an innate ability to connect with people from all walks of life. Their compassionate nature and genuine interest in others allow them to build rapport and establish meaningful connections swiftly. They have a knack for making people feel heard and understood, creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere in social settings.


Rain carries themselves with a blend of confidence and humility, exuding an aura of quiet strength. They display a gentle and comforting presence, often offering a comforting touch or a kind word to those in need. Rain's mannerisms are characterized by grace and fluidity, reflecting their deep connection to the ebb and flow of the ocean.

Hobbies & Pets

Rain's seafaring lifestyle leaves little room for pets, but they do harbor a deep fondness for marine life. During their travels, they often encounter and interact with various sea creatures, forming temporary bonds of kinship. As for hobbies, Rain finds solace and relaxation in painting seascapes, capturing the ethereal beauty of the ocean on canvas.


Rain possesses a melodious and soothing voice, often likened to the gentle lapping of waves against the shore. Their speech is characterized by a mix of wisdom, humility, and an underlying sense of hope. Rain's words are carefully chosen, laced with empathy and guidance, reflecting their role as a spiritual guide and counselor.

Wealth & Financial state

While not driven by material wealth, Rain possesses enough resources to sustain their seafaring lifestyle. Their wealth primarily stems from the spoils of their adventures and the bounties earned by providing spiritual guidance and healing services to those in need. Rain's focus lies more in the richness of experiences, the bonds they forge, and the treasures of the natural world.

Rain is a blue, tough young woman.

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Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Rain is often referred to as "The Blessed Tidecaller" by those who have witnessed their powerful connection with the sea and the miracles they have performed in Valkur's name. This title serves as a testament to their unwavering devotion to their deity and their pivotal role in guiding others through the turbulent tides of life.
Green / Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
Rain's words often carry the weight of wisdom and a touch of maritime charm. One of their notable catchphrases is, "In the ebb and flow of life, we find our strength and purpose." Another favorite quote of Rain's is, "With Valkur's guidance, storms become opportunities for growth and waves carry us to new horizons."
Related Reports
Known Languages
Common, Primordial

Background Story

Born to genie parents, I was delivered to the doorstep of a sailor the very moment I entered the world. This sailor, Milton Reid, became the figure I believed to be my father as I grew up. Milton was a formidable and esteemed man, serving as a ship captain. Until the age of seven, he and my 'mother' Tessie kept me confined within the safety of our home, shielding me from the outside world due to my unique appearance. They fabricated a story, claiming I was ill and delicate, preventing me from venturing outside or allowing others near me. It was their way of safeguarding me. One fateful day, my father returned home brimming with excitement and declared, "Tomorrow, you shall accompany me to work aboard the ships." This was a monumental moment, as since my early years, I yearned to explore and acquaint myself with the people, vessels, and seas that my father had vividly described.   As I approached the ship, my father's crew erupted in applause. "It's a miracle!" they cried out. I discovered that the day before, my father and his crew had encountered a perilous situation at sea, and Valkur had come to their aid, guiding them to safety. My father had beseeched Valkur to grant his daughter strength, enabling her to venture outside and interact with other children—a wish that Valkur had granted. Through this remarkable act, Milton not only ensured the crew's faith in the "Captain of the Waves" but also created a secure environment for his daughter, Rain. From the moment Rain set foot on that ship, she proved her mettle and became an integral part of the sailing crew.


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