Wei Chen

Chen 晨 Wei 魏

I never expected this journey. But I will keep a look on the papers to find a better way.
— Wei Chen
  Chen is a 12 year old newspaper boy who has a curiosity about the world surrounding him. He knows the headlines of the daily news at the back of his hand. This makes him a known boy in his neighbourhood, but has also given him rivals amongst other paperboys. In the little spare time he has, he draw small drawings with coal. He has given a drawing to Jingyi, starting their friendship from there.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

With the little money and ressources that Chen's family had after the relocation, Chen could only walk in his father's clothes, which his mother had tried fitting him. He wears baggy clothes, definitely too large for his little stature. He wears patched dark blue trousers that goes over his feet. His mother has tried to adjust the length, but with Chen often stepping on the hem, makes it flossy, and with him being outside constantly, in all types of weather, the trousers has gotten dirty and more worn out.

On his torso he wears a light-yellow shirt, and a grey tangzhuang jacket with patches. His mother has rolled the sleeves in order to make it fit his arms. At work, he wears a crossbody white bag where the newspapers are in.

His shoes are black and also worn-out, several holes reveals his socks. and the white soles are also worn out.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Wei Chen was living a rather comfortable life on Nongdao 农岛, it was not an easy nor the most expensive living, but his family was loving, and the other kids were fun to play with.

In school he was excelling in reading and writing, and was the best in his class. Because of his good nature, he helped the other kids with their homework, and in return they played with him. During the days he was not going to school, he helped his parents with their farm.

It was three years ago the government arrived to their island and started to investigate the nearby mountain, where they found traces of Yujin 羽金, the precious metal used for their newest invention, the Train Dragon.

The Government issued a relocation of all the residents on Nongdao, but not many were keen on this and stayed, thinking the relocation was optional. They were proven wrong and this led to a confrontation between the residents and the government. Chen's father was sent to a labour camp along with other rebellious residents, and Chen's family could only bring a suitcase of belonging each, and was forcefully relocated to the Zhengzhidao 政治岛, the island where the government has its main seat.

After the relocation, Chen's family was given a tiny house to live in, until they had found another island to reside on. Chen was the eldest son of the family, and was therefore expected to provide for his family. He started to work as a paperboy for the newspaper Feidao Ribao 飞岛日报, and was quick to learn the news headlines to which he was shouting for people to buy the papers from him. Because of his efficiency he gained several rivals among other paperboys and the most envious ones bullies him.

Unfortunately, a few months after settling on Zhengzhidao 政治岛 his family received a message about his father. He had died from smallpox inside the labour camp he had been transferred to.

Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
4th Eryue
Year of Birth
12 AUY 12 Years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
— Wei Chen

Morality and Philosophy

Chen has always been a curious boy. And he still holds the old traditions to his heart. He therefore believes in the myth about the five dragons who shaped the lands, but this belief is not common among the residents on Tongzhidao 统治岛, who are far more concerned with the evolution of society and technology.

He believes that luck will one day turn, and he will be able to eat meat every day. With the sudden change in his life, he has a remarkable resolve to better his life through hard work. And with the sudden responsibility for his family, he is already more mature than any other boy in his age.


Contacts & Relations


Chen has three younger siblings: Wei Meihua 魏美华, Wei Qiujuan 魏秋娟, and Wei Yun 魏昀. His mother, Yang Lin 杨琳, has tried finding work, but being a single mother in a new town has not been easy. She now sits on the street and repair people's clothing. After the food prices went up this year, many people cannot afford repairing their clothes, and her earnings have been shallow.

His father, Wei Yuxuan 魏宇轩 was a farmer on Nongdao 农岛, but after the government found Yujin 羽金 on Nongdao 农岛, they wanted to relocate the entire island's population in order to mine the precious metal. Yuxuan along with other farmers rebelled against the officials, who then requested assistance from 政治岛 that placed military force onto the island. His father along with the other farmer had no choice but to surrender if they wanted to see their families again. They were first sent to prison and a few months later, Chen's mother learned that Yuxuan had been transferred to a labour camp. After the famine in the five northern provinces, Yuxuan died of smallpox that flourished inside the labour camp, a disease that follows famine.

Lin Jingyi 林静怡

The first time I met Chen, was on a rainy day. Despite being soaked by the rain, he remained vigilant and shouted the news headlines. I felt pity for the boy, and persuaded my father to buy a newspaper from him, and to give him a few more coins.

This became a routine, and soon after, my father became a steady customer for Chen. One day, my father asked me to buy a newspaper for him, because he had an important business meeting. When I came to Chen and bought the newspaper, we started to talk, and he showed me a few of his coal drawings.

That day, I returned home with a portrait he made of me. I keep it close, so that my father has not discovered my new friendship with a mere paperboy.
— Lin Jingyi


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Aug 18, 2024 07:03 by Secere Laetes

A beautifully described character. Wei Chen is portrayed well and comprehensibly. It's a shame that he has lost his father and, as the eldest child, has to step in as provider. I'm very curious to see what will happen to him next.