Felidra Homepage | World Anvil
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The world of Felidra is a world of conflict. To the northeast is the kingdom of Otra, a fairytale land harboring dark secrets. North of it's capital, Dawnrock, is the Aeren Isles, home to a reclusive and isolationist sect of Elves. Far to the south is Sagramoor, a nation in which strength and justice are closely intertwined. To the east, Aradis, where freedom is treasured more than anything, save for treasure. To the northeast and Southeast are the Barthal Tundra and Caballus Desert, as well as the Tamarn Jungle. Each is home to a dozen city-states.   Beneath it all, is the twisting tunnels of the underdark. The conflict in the world, both above and below, can seem like the random twists of fate, but as often as not, there is a hand at work behind events. Or, a claw.   Xorvintaal, the Great Game of Dragons, is rather popular among the ancient dragons of Felidra. Will you be a game piece, or find a way to beat the odds and be a player?