Yowling Dunes Geographic Location in Felival | World Anvil
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Yowling Dunes

**Add Nika's nursery rhyme here.
Mention the name of the rhyme in one of the folklore spots**
  The Yowling Dunes are home to very little. Even critters and bugs seem to avoid the area, especially the tops of the hills. Few trees surround the dunes, barren of leaves. Salty coastal air gusts across the moorland, rippling the dry, yellow grass. There are sparse, occasional wildflower patches nestled amongst the grass that varies in height as low as the ankle, and deep as the chest.


A moor is a quiet place, where sharp winds whistle through a stretched-out landscape.   Aesthetic:
  • Fur stands on end, a shiver down your back.
  • Bare and unnerving.
Can Always:
  • Hint at something eerie.
  • Describe what makes someone feel nervous.
  • Ask: "Did you hear that?" Give them a token if they say yes, and describe the sound.
Folklore: The Wailing Mists
A graveyard is a place of death, where the lost are buried.   Aesthetic:
  • Strange and scatttered teardrop-shaped stones.
  • Faint trails of Felye paw prints, leading everywhere and nowhere.
Can Always:
  • Describe the weight of the past.
  • Show someone disrespecting the history of this place.
  • Ask: “Will you tell us a story no one else could tell?” Give them a token if they do.
Folklore: A Long-Forgotten Graveyard
A desert is an empty place, without any of what you want or need.   Aesthetic:
  • An unnatural, bitter chill.
  • Strong breezes of every which way.
Can Always:
  • Describe the emptiness of the world.
  • Show someone (or something) lost and wandering.
  • Tell someone the path will be longer and more treacherous than they thought, and give them a token.
Folklore: Yowling Winds

Localized Phenomena

The Wailing Mists
Watch over your kits at dusk, lest they follow the mysterious wailing into the evening fog that descends upon the moorland. An eerie, unnatural chill settles over the low rolling hills and freezes those who dare to linger past sunset. Some say they've seen glimpses of the strange Felye who wander the dunes at night. Even the rocks littered about the area behave strangely. Locals fiercly scold their children for straying near such a cursed, desolate place.
Yowling Winds
Strong breezes blow over the dunes, a sound that can be mistaken for the sounds of yowling cats. Young Felye seem to be inexplicably drawn to the dunes, claiming to hear voices calling out to them, but when the adults stop to listen, they cannot hear anything but the wind.


A Long-Forgotten Graveyard
Rumored to be the location of an ancient graveyard, long forgotten. Though no tombstones have ever been found, there are strange stones scattered throughout the dunes along faint footpaths of paw prints to the discerning eye. These stones only point in one direction along the trails, leading some to believe the place is cursed.





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