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The small village of Ardhurst lays near the center of the Dolmaring Moor, at the outskirts of The Shaw, a thick wood that few dare travel through. Although the Dolmaring belongs to Dern, its distance from Dern means that it is a wild landscape dominated by hills, patches of wetland, and the Shaw.    There are a few villages along the roads, but it is pretty desolate. Ardhurst is situated at the fork in the road at the south end of the Shaw, with one road running west to Caer Dol and the other running into the Shaw. To the east there is the Great Road, which runs from Afora through Midea and Dern all the way to Bekwick.   Ardhurst has about two dozen families living there, including the only blacksmith for a hundred miles in any direction. Its houses are half-timbered and contained within a stone wall, with four gates, with paddocks and fields outside. Luckily, the town has a spring at the very center that provides fresh, clean water.


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