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Business Directory of Dern

Taverns, Inns & Bars

The Dog and Rose Tavern
  • Location: Northgate
  • Owner: Harra Silverbrow, and the Van Thorns
  • Specialty: Cleanest rooms in the city!
  • Other Notes: One of the largest inns in town, and also one of the most expensive
The Horse and Cart Tavern
  • Location: Northfields
  • Owner: Sammand Roufly, a human
  • Specialty: Hot pork sausages (at least, you hope they're pork and not those questionable meats from the nearby butcher.....)
  • Other Notes: Has a bit of a dubious reputation, but it's cheap and servicable
Wizard's Flask Bar
  • Location: University Park
  • Owner: Polly Withersfork, a half-elf
  • Specialty: Slightly magical ales that induce feelings of euphoria
  • Other Notes: The clients are mostly arcana students and staff from the University
The Crown and Forge Inn
  • Location: Northgate
  • Owner: Havben Smythe
  • Specialty: Hot
  • Other Notes: Caters to the working class crowds of Northgate rather than visitors
The Golden Berry Tavern
  • Location: Five Hills
  • Owner: Finn Berry, a halfling
  • Specialty: Berry pies, berry wines, berry everything.
  • Other Notes: Renowned for its desserts. Is located directly across the river from the Hop & Berry Inn.
The Ship's Keel Bar
  • Location: New Docks
  • Owner: Capt. Wes Leigh, a human
  • Specialty: Fish, fish, fish, in all shapes and forms!
  • Other Notes: Caters to sailors and the rougher crowd by the docks
Nine Barrels Inn
  • Location: Southgate
  • Owner: Kay Vannah, and Arten Fairwyth
  • Specialty: delicate, dainty finger foods and very fine wines and ale
  • Other Notes: Caters mostly to upper-class people who live in Southgate and Dukesgate
Two Keys Inn
  • Location: Rogues' Alley
  • Owner: Ol' Nesgar, a half-orc
  • Specialty: Actually edible bread, the safest moonshine in the Alley & very cheap rooms
  • Other Notes: A good place to fence stolen goods, just make sure you still have all your money (and your life) when you leave....
The Fifth Wheel
  • Location: Rogues' Alley
  • Owner: Artanna Meswick, a human
  • Specialty: Fine sandwiches and serviceable ale
  • Other Notes: Despite the locale, the Fifth Wheel aspires to respectability... Despite the gangs that visit
Temple Inn
  • Location: Templesgate
  • Owner: Desdemona Suthly, a half-elf
  • Specialty: Best pancakes in town!
  • Other Notes: Mostly houses religious visitors, and is especially busy during religious holidays and festivals
Castle Inn
  • Location: Castle Park
  • Owner: Ondre Wistlen, a human
  • Specialty: Court gossip...
  • Other Notes: A lot of courtiers come here in the evenings and for lunch. Often times, petitioners from out of the city will stay here due to its proximity to the Castle.
The Navy Yard Inn
  • Location: Navy Docks
  • Owner: Sergeant Kurzan Polysan
  • Specialty: Good rum & whisky, and hot, simple food
  • Other Notes: Caters to the military, esp. enlisted soldiers & sailors
The Flute and Lute Tavern
  • Location: Three Bridges
  • Owner: Kel Rand, a halfing
  • Specialty: Best stews & porridge in the city, made by Mrs. Rand herself
  • Other Notes: Possibly the most respectable inn in the city due to its proximity to the guildhalls and the City Hall. A lot of government workers come here after work.
Scholar's Inn
  • Location: University Park
  • Owner: Antilla Layne, a human
  • Specialty: Quick food & cheap ale
  • Other Notes: Mostly frequented by students from the University.
Old Daring Inn
  • Location: Oldwood
  • Owner: Alric Bengar, a half-orc
  • Specialty: Roasted meats
  • Other Notes: Frequented by a lot of orcs and half-orcs
Melthorn's Tavern
  • Location: Westgate
  • Owner: Mal Melthorn, a half-elf
  • Specialty: Good brandy & gin
  • Other Notes: It's questionable how legal his alcohol is...
Hop & Berry Inn
  • Location: New Town
  • Owner: Lynn Berry, a halfling
  • Specialty: Berry pies, berry ale, berry jam... berry everything
  • Other Notes: Renowned for its variety of berry-flavored alcohol. Located across the river from the Golden Berry Inn.

Apothecaries & Arcane Shops

  The City Apothecary The Mage's Supply Shop The Arcana Emporium The Artificer's Emporium The Enchanted Chalice Arcane Thrift Store  

Other Services Available through the Guilds

  • Make & repair wooden objects, incl. figurines of wood, but not weapons or shields (see the Armorers' Guild for that!) They can however make carts, boats, and other vehicles as well as wooden chests, crates, and barrels.
  • Make & repair stonework, incl. statues, building, defensive walls, etc.
  • Make and repair metal objects, incl. fine jewelry, cutlery & table service sets, metal gates and grates, locks and keys, nails, horse shoes, etc.
  • Make & sell alcohol wholesale, even on commission
  • Import, export, & sell goods (this is the merchants' guild) of a wild variety. Often buy things from other guilds and sell them for a profit/commission.
  • Healing kits, healing potions, some poisons (but only for killing rats, ok? anything else is illegal)
  • Art objects & minstrel/actor services. A few bards work for them, but bard aren't always part of the guild
  • Make & a variety of objects... this includes specialty professions such as leatherworkers, tanners, jewelers and musical instrument makers.
  • Make & repair arms, armor, & shields. They also include heralds who are the only ones allowed to emblazon coats of arms.
  • Make & repair cloth goods such as clothing, cloth, lace, knitted goods, bedding, etc. Weavers, dyers, spinners, tailors and others are all part of this guild.
  • Members of this guild own and operate the inns, taverns, and restaurants of the city, thus providing lodging and food to visitors.
  • Legal & clerical services, incl. drawing up contracts, legal representation in the courts, copying documents, etc.

Articles under Business Directory of Dern


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