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Factions of Dern




Location(s): Castle Dern, City Hall (Three Bridges), the City Temple (Templesgate), Castle Deres
  • Leader: Risa Deres, Duchess of Dern

City Council

Locations: City Hall (Three Bridges), City Temple (Templesgate), Castle Dern, Lord Mayor's Palace (Three Bridges)  
  1. Lord Mayor: Lord Strom Noachim
  2. Viri Optivus: Sir Merrick Scond
  3. Viri Optivus: Lady Mara Rabanis
  4. Lord Secretary: Baroness Dianat West
  5. Lord Fiscal: Count Karle Orlan
  6. Lord Justice: Lord Frand von Atten
  7. Lord Marshal: Count Eren von Dyttes
  8. Lord Admiral: Viscount Wynes Von Rittenburg
  9. Lord Chamberlain: Lord Gianos Liavan
  10. Lord Ambassador: Countess Zyranda Hrotha
  11. Lord Exemplar: Baron Arte Hessberg
  12. Lord Exemplar: Countess Atelain von Donn
  13. Lord Exemplar: Lord Eddes von Joren
  14. High Chancellor of the University: Lady Darra Asenta, High Chancellor
  15. Viri Eruditius: Prof. Myllen Hoyn (College of Arcane Arts)
  16. Viri Eruditius: Prof. Marita von Beryn (College of Philosophy)
  17. Viri Eruditius: Dr. Elgan Fridwort (College of Herbalism)
  18. Viri Exemplar: Brae Altaine (Mercer's Guild)
  19. Viri Exemplar: Arten Fairwyth (Innkeeper's Guild)
  20. Viri Exemplar Sir Kynas Baryt, Esq. (Scrivener's Guild)
  21. Rayna Cleric: High Priestess Katya Marand
  22. Reia Cleric: High Priestess Helayna Atwater
  23. Aohr Cleric: High Priest Hiero Breken
  24. Irdal Cleric: High Priest Dago Niffen
  25. Phaerean Cleric: Mystic Clares Liat

City Watch

Locations: City Watch Offices, Watch Training Grounds, diverse Watch Towers/Stations  
  • Leader: Commander Salys Thims
  • Captains: Cpt. Lortan Miggs, Cpt. Tom Kettleburn, Cpt. Rees Aerthorn, Cpt. Elgan Midros, Cpt. Darmand Ironbone

Political Factions



  • Leader: Baroness Dianat West


  • Leader: Viscount Wynes von Rittenburg

Midean Faction

  • Leader: Baron Treno von Morrin


  • Countess Zyranda Hrotha




  • Leader: General Wes "Sharpspear" Trael & Admiral Lynisa Blackbone

Enlisted Soldiers

  • Leader: Sergeant General Miggan Couran & Master Chief Ana Saynes

High Command

  • Lord Marshal: Count Eren von Dyttes
  • Lord Admiral: Viscount Wynes Von Rittenburg

Guilds & Organizations



  • Leader: Rytte Faroak


  • Leader: Andescia Chysen


  • Leader: Poras Smythe

Brewers & Growers

  • Leader: Al Finehair


  • Leader: Brae Atlaine


  • Leader Hildea Ascepius


  • Leader: Rees Finefinger


  • Leader: Merta Honefrith


  • Leader: Adryan Helmsmyn


  • Leader: Brock Taylor

Explorers & Adventurers

  • Leader: Ardag Kiflor


  • Leader: Arten Fairwythe


  • Sir Kynas Baryt, Esq.


  • Leader: Paryn Morgath




  • High Chancellor, Lady Darra Asenta

College of Bardic Arts

  • Leader: Prof. Argys Lavert

College of Arcane Arts

  • Leader: Prof. Myller Hoyn

College of Practical Arts

  • Leader: Prof. Cory Maddyn

College of Fine Arts

  • Prof. Miko Rysso

College of Philosophy

  • Leader: Marita von Beryn

Martial College

  • Leader: General Arten von Mettlebrook

College of Herbalism

  • Dr. Elgan Fridwort

College of Cosmology

  • Prof. Anya Betran

Major Religious Orders


City Temple

  • Rayna Cleric: High Priestess Katya Marand
  • Reia Cleric: High Priestess Helayna Atwater
  • Aohr Cleric: High Priest Hiero Breken
  • Irdal Cleric: High Priest Dago Niffen
  • Phaerean Cleric: Mystic Clares Liat

Druidic Circles

  • Leader: Archdruid Bran Havthorn


Articles under Factions of Dern


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