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The Myths of Turran

The mighty hero Lothra, a fighter/warlock who was blessed by Reia was born in a small village named Turran. As Lothra gained power and eventually became a king, Turran grew into a fabulous, sun-drenched city that was the most advanced and powerful place in the world. The date given as this Founding is 3501 SF and marks the beginning of the Age of Toive. This is also the date of Lothra's coronation as King of Turran.   The Lay of Lothra is a epic poem that tells of Lothra's rise to power, defeating beasts and joining together the people to make the first proper country since the Banishment of the Gods. It also tells of how the city blossomed out of a group of hovels into a mighty, beautiful city. The end of the lay tells of how Lothra was killed by an envious rival, Gormuch, who took over and whose bloodline ruled Turran for centuries. The History of Turran is a prose work, semi-historical, semi-fictional, that details the period of Lothra's rule, Gormuch's dynasty, as well as the ebbing of Turran's primacy as the newer northern kingdoms gained power. Other works about Lothra include Life of Lothra, The Greatest King, and The Ballad of Lothra and the Dragon. Many other songs, epics and legends include Lothra, either as the subject or as a background character.    According to the sages, Turran's ruins became the foundations of the city of Midea


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