Camp breaker

This was the role given to the leader of the rear guard when the Nomadic tribes travelled. They were a seasoned warrior and had earnt the respect of the tribe leaders.  


  They took charge once the tribe decided to leave any site. They organised the various groups and herds to leave, took down the tents, scattered the ash from the fires, and ensured no sign remained of their stay. Once the tribe was on the move, they would command the rear guard to ensure no other tribes attacked from behind.   It was considered to be the second most important role for the tribe's warriors after the tribal chief, who led the front. The two needed to work together for the safety of the tribe.   Each tribe had their own traditions for choosing a new camp breaker, and what insignia they wore. Though all the insignia included the creature the tribe was named after.  

End of the role

  When Horaeri united the tribes and formed the Fenixian Empire, he broke up the traditions of each of the tribes. As they were no longer nomadic, there was no need for a camp breaker as the responsibilities weren't needed. Instead all the warriors from the tribes were combined into the Imperial Guard. Those who had the position of camp breaker at the time were given units to command and incorporated into the guard command structure.  

Continued influence

  Even though the role no longer exists, it is referred to in common parlance when stopping doing something, or leaving on a journey. In groups it is often asked of the older children to “act as camp breaker” by checking the area to ensure no one is left behind. So the role continues informally, even though the profession has been archived.

Cover image: by Stock photo purchased from DepositPhotos


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Aug 2, 2023 05:03

Really well defined and understandably out of use occupation with a nice tradition carried forward in te4rminology.

Aug 5, 2023 10:14 by Clarissa Gosling

Thanks, so kind of you to say so