Platinum Watch

Some of the most powerful of the Grindelain military and the people that are directly given their orders by the Queen.
The people that hold this rank are normally nobles that have obtain a level combat ability that to fend off two Mithral Paladins at a time. But that said they do not have to come from a noble background, in fact, the queen encourages her people to strive to reach this rank.


They must have combat capability and knowledge of battle tactics.


  • You must have lived in Grendel for 20 years.
  • Served in the military for 10 years.
  • You must defeat two Mithral Paladins at the same time before a member of the royal family, or 2 Lords/Ladies.


Once they are chosen they are put through a public ceremony were the Queen grants them the title.


Because the members of there ranks are not necessarily always martial fighters the duties can random as they do what the crown asks of them.


Protect the crown and the people of Grindel.


The members of the Platinum Watch if they wasn't already part of the nobility become nobility.

Accoutrements & Equipment

They will always have a piece of equipment that has the branding and marker of the Platinum Watch.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

By any account of treason or murder without reason.
Nobility, Military
Equates to
A high ranking noble.
Source of Authority
The Steel Queen
Length of Term
Until they reach their twilight years.
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