
The Lord of Mania

Blood and madness

God and demon lord born from the madness within The Father of Monsters when he died and forming into a source of complete chaos when born went charging out and running for the slaughter.

Madness not in battle

His worshipers not only spread madness in the form of random slaughter but some find it better to find whole towns and slowly send them into mania.

The walking shambles

Made up from the shambling corpses of the army of men and demon alike that he has destroyed, some call his army the blood wave from the crimson covering their bodies from there last battle. Some think that the army is only made up of the dead but his generals are the demons that could survive the first battle on Destrato.

Demon Lord

Whilst not starting off as one Sangnus found his way to the world of Destrato and tor his way throw it bathing in the blood of the demons fond on the world slowly starting him the power of the demon and tuck over the planet becoming its Lord.

Hardley known on Fenrus

Himself and his siblings that were formed form the death of The Father of Monsters are gods that are held in high regard by only the most detestable of beings with most other clergies trying to hide all knowledge of there existence with only stories of the three slipping out as tails of buggy men that parents tell the children to keep them safe, using very different names that often changes from story to story.

Divine Domains

God of destruction, madness, and war and Demon Lord of mania and massacre

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A skull with its jaw hanging open with an orb hanging in the mouth.

Tenets of Faith

  • Destroy all that get in your way.
  • Power rules all.
  • Winning is everything.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • Kill his siblings.
  • Destroy all life.
  • Add to his army.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A towering skeleton of a giant upper torso wielding a scythe in each hand, attached to the back of a rotting horse corpse both having a glowing blue light bursting out of both bodies.
Divine Classification
Lesser Power / Demon Lord
Chaotic Evil
Circumstances of Birth
The death of The Father of Monsters
The Black Sea


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